Besides the ones that are available for streaming, there are several other private channels, adding which requires users to follow a process. So, for users who wish to explore the private or non-certified channels on Roku, here’s a process that would help them do so.
Adding a Non-Certified Channel to the Roku Streaming Device
Some channels are either hidden or private. These channels aren’t readily available or visible, as either they are in beta or require the user to be a member. However, the following simple process would help users to easily access hidden channels on their Roku player.
Step 1
Click on 'Sign In' (as circled in green) on your Roku screen.
Step 2
'Sign In' with your Roku credentials.
Step 3
Click on ‘Add a Channel’ with a Code
Step 4
Type the private channel code in 'Channel Access Code' tab. Private channel codes could be found on Nowhere TV.
Step 5
Very Important – Read the instructions carefully before proceeding.
Step 6
Click on the 'Ok' at the bottom of the above screen to seek the following one, and click on 'Yes, Add Channel' to add Nowhere TV.
Step 7
The above step would result in the below screen. Typically, it takes around 24 hours for the channel to show up. However, if you don’t want to wait and want an immediate installation, follow the process circled in green.
Once the channel is installed, the icon will show up on your Roku screen.
So, we hope this tutorial was useful. Ensure that you go through the instructions carefully before installing the channel and follow the necessary rules and regulations.