How to completely and finally remove Norton/Symantec from my W10 PC?


Jul 8, 2010
I am resurrecting my daughters PC. I updated to Windows 10 and everything is great except for eliminating Norton. Im afraid my daugter had succumbed to Symantec's ransom and purchased their product because the nag sreen wore her down.
Im now trying, without success, to rid this PC of Norton.
I have followed several threads at Symantec about its removal to no avail. I have several hours invested in removing this (virus really) and it just keeps reappearing. I have used the Norton removal tool to no avail. I have tried to delete C: users/public/public downloads/Norton (which one thread on Symantec recommended) and although I am logged in as Administrator it wont let me delete.
How do I get rid of this insidious virus?
I normally just use their removal tool when removing it from a clients computer. It usually works fine.

If that doesn't work. You can try booting into safe mode. Then remove Norton/Symantec from your Program Files folders. In This PC > C:. Also show hidden icons and check the ProgramData folder.

When you reboot. Install and run CCleaner. Remove any startup entries for Norton/Symantec. Run the registry cleaner.
I normally just use their removal tool when removing it from a clients computer. It usually works fine.

If that doesn't work. You can try booting into safe mode. Then remove Norton/Symantec from your Program Files folders. In This PC > C:. Also show hidden icons and check the ProgramData folder.

When you reboot. Install and run CCleaner. Remove any startup entries for Norton/Symantec. Run the registry cleaner.
The Windows Task Scheduler will have entries to start a lot of annoying processes. Check it regularly. A program called 'autoruns' which is part of the Windows Sysinternals (old SysInternals) is the ultimate registry tool for auto starts. It, and other utilities, can be found at Use these tools with extreme caution
A combination of the Norton uninstaller, deleting C: users/public/public downloads/Norton, running CCleaner all while booted into Safe Mode seems to have done the trick. Thanks for the replies.