how to connect receiver to smart tv only


Nov 26, 2017
Hi, I have a Samsung Smart TV - has 2 hdmi slots but not ARC. I have an Aiwa AV-D58 with no HDMI port.
I purchased an optical cable thinking this would work as this tv is smart ready and connected to internet only (No cable). All I"m getting is static through the speakers. I did use a very cheap wire to be sure the unit worked before cutting my good speaker wire (another question as well - can you use audiopipe primarty wire for speakers?)
Any advice appreciated!
You probably need to change the audio output type in the TV audio menu.
You can use that wire for speakers. Best way is to make a twisted pair for each speaker. It's fine If you need to thin the wire at the ends.

Thank you - I did switch the speaker setting on the tv to audio but I still have no sound, just a buzzing sound in the speakers. I tried this same set up on a second Smart tv - same issue, no sound just buzzing. Getting quite frustrated!