How to dissociate an already-hacked computer from your real identity..?

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Sep 13, 2016
Let's say that you have a computer that is hiding behind a dedicated Tor Ethernet hotspot.

So let's assume the computer got hacked by web browser exploit.

So it is hacked, but it is still connected via a Tor Ethernet.

Therefore, the hacker can see WHAT you are doing, but not WHO you are, i.e. your real IP.

So... I want to operate in this environment.

What kinds of things would I do to stop this laptop from being tied to me..?

I will give you a list of things I thought of... I would like you to add to this list or correct anything I got wrong.

1. Laptop manufacturer

2. System spec

3. Wipe/re-install the BIOS and HDD from any previous attacks

4. Lists of programs installed. Perhaps only install a web browser and nothing else

5. Don't visit sites in your ordinary browsing routine on clearnet

6. Typing style / speed / vocabulary / language / typos, i.e. forensic linguistics

7. Time of the day that you use the computer.. clock on the machine..

8. Physically remove the webcam, mic

9. Physically remove the WiFi chip, so it can't scan for nearby networks and devices. So the only connection is directly by Ethernet to the Tor hotspot

10. Don't type your real name, or log into any accounts tied to your real name.

What do you think..?
computer IP and thus your town/general localtion will be compromised.

Yes, TOR makes data itself kind of hidden but it still uses pre-existing IP routing to do so. Someone who has access to the hardware can see the IP's you connect to internet with and thus... learn a LOT.

In short, a lost cause.
and so.. if they can access webcam, as you think, they can also access network card information, thus the IP you got from the hotspot. (which if it's internal IP like it wont help much)

As shown here, the TOR is not magical "new" and untraceable thing if you can compromise the machine itself. It still uses pre-existing IP protocol and as such IP's to connect to the "random" other computers as relays to get to the end target.

so.. yes, the end target aka sites you visit might stay a secret but your localtion will not. they WILL know what router you are connected to, what ISP you are using and your general town/area you are in based on your IP.

It is also quite possible that if the LAPTOP is compromised, they could in essence turn whole TOR off and force you to use normal IP's without you knowing.
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