Question How to find the verification code in iPhone 14?

Feb 4, 2024
A few days back I signed up for a website and it required me to scan a verification code through an app but I knew the iPhone camera could do it without an app. And when I tried it did give me a verification code but now every time I log back into that website it asks me for that but I don't know where to find it on my iPhone.
Feb 14, 2024
Sounds like either some php issues between the phone or site and i would find me another proper way besides the glitchy verify camera. App or method Not that its prolly bs but sounds like they giving you the run round out sides the usual method of signin up or proper veriphone https html verifications. Especially if the insist you use or need a app that your phone has native and is tried and rigorously tested and made to work.. allthough i would simply go to safari setting or at the top the adress bar hold on to the drop menu gives you mobile/ desktop site feature and if desktop and legit u will get a captca or less