Solved! How to get a restore disk for windows vista on gateway laptop


May 27, 2010
I keep getting the message bootmgr file missing when I try to log on to my gateway laptop. I lost my restore cd and need a copy to try and reinstall windows vista.

First, check your BIOS and ensure that the primary hard drive is number 2 on the boot list (the CD-DVD drive should be #1). If that doesn't do the trick, there should be a recovery partition on it that you can access by hitting f8 as soon as you turn the computer on. If that doesn't do it, just google "access gateway recovery partition."
First, check your BIOS and ensure that the primary hard drive is number 2 on the boot list (the CD-DVD drive should be #1). If that doesn't do the trick, there should be a recovery partition on it that you can access by hitting f8 as soon as you turn the computer on. If that doesn't do it, just google "access gateway recovery partition."