A awpriest0900 May 5, 2018 1 0 10 May 5, 2018 #1 How to get mobile hot spot on my galaxy J7 straight talk phone
Solution R R ridhimasane Jun 14, 2018 just go to setting>tethering and portable hotspot on your galaxy j7 from where you will be able to use the mobile hotspot on your j7.
just go to setting>tethering and portable hotspot on your galaxy j7 from where you will be able to use the mobile hotspot on your j7.
R ridhimasane Great May 22, 2018 43 2 90 Jun 14, 2018 Solution #2 just go to setting>tethering and portable hotspot on your galaxy j7 from where you will be able to use the mobile hotspot on your j7. Upvote 0 Downvote Solution
just go to setting>tethering and portable hotspot on your galaxy j7 from where you will be able to use the mobile hotspot on your j7.