I'm the unlucky owner of a motherboard, which do not support change of multiplier and Vcore voltage.
My Athlon 1200 FSB 133 is unlocked from the factory, but I have to set the multiplier manually, meaning I have to lock the L1 bridge and lock/unlock L3 and L4.
How do I lock the bridges WITHOUT damaging the CPU?
Can I use a scalpel?
Where can I find a similar board showing the correct settings for an Athlon 1200 FSB 133? ---> http/www6.tomshardware.com/howto/01q4/011112/athlonxp2000oc-08.html
My Athlon 1200 FSB 133 is unlocked from the factory, but I have to set the multiplier manually, meaning I have to lock the L1 bridge and lock/unlock L3 and L4.
How do I lock the bridges WITHOUT damaging the CPU?
Can I use a scalpel?
Where can I find a similar board showing the correct settings for an Athlon 1200 FSB 133? ---> http/www6.tomshardware.com/howto/01q4/011112/athlonxp2000oc-08.html