How to release battery cable connector on Samsung Ativ Book 9 lite


Oct 31, 2016
I'm replacing the battery on my Samsung Ativ Book 9 Lite (I've posted this under Plus because Lite didn't appear as an action).

I need to disconnect the cable connector - would be very grateful if someone could let me know how to do it. There's a photo of the connector here:

It's very small - just over 1cm wide - and there doesn't appear to be a flap to lift as there is with frictionless connectors.

Look forward to hearing from anyone who can help with this. I've searched Youtube videos and websites but can't find any with advice on t his type of connector. I obviously don't want to force it and break it.


Hi, you must push the two tabs in the opposite direction of the two arrows on the connector to release the wires.

Many thanks, I'll try that this evening when I'm at home. I tried to lift the plug out earlier, based on some advice from another forum but that doesn't work - see video here


Hi, you must push the two tabs in the opposite direction of the two arrows on the connector to release the wires.


Many thanks for taking the time to do that. I'll try this when I get home but when I've tried to move the tabs (do you mean the small metal pins?) they won't move at all. Perhaps I've been pushing in the wrong places?


I haven't had a chance to try this again yet but the last time I tired to move the two tabs they wouldn't move in either direction. Thanks again for your help, I'll let you know if it works when I've had some time to work on the laptop again.