Question How to set up my brand new Samsung M53 phone? Please Help! Have I been scammed?


Jun 13, 2013
I just got this new Samsung M53 phone today. When I turned it on, it gave me choice of language. Ok, English UK. But then the next screen. There are 3 options - Bluetooth, WiFi Direct and QR code. All three are for company. What is going on? Was I sold something that is not meant for general public? Is there a way to by pass this? Well, I tried. There is only a back arrow which goes back to the previous language choosing screen. Anyone has any idea? Many many thanks for any help in advance. The situation is rather tricky as I will be flying tomorrow evening. I was trying to get myself a new phone before I go.
Have you contacted your wireless carrier for assistance?
Hi, thanks for the quick response. The phone was bought from Amazon UK. No company attached. I am buying it for myself. Ok, let me try again. My old phone keeps on telling me that I need to change the battery as it is deteriorating. And because it is Huawei, a lot of software cannot be run on it due to the security saga. So, now, I am not going to spend any money on something that is not allowing me to even book an appointment with my doctor through the NHS app (the government was warned that the Chinese government can collect the entire NHS database). Anyway, I forgot about this until I need to travel. And so I bought a new Samsung Galaxy M53 from Amazon. But when I turned it on, without the sim card, these 3 options came up. So I thought it was because of no sim card. Now, after I removed the sim card from my old phone and installed it into this new phone. Same thing. I did a quick search. Someone with a similar problem but with a different model got replies saying that he was sold a phone with Android for work installed on it. So, I would be most grateful if anyone can confirm for me whether I have been sold a useless phone or not. Or if there is any way to get this phone working for a general public person and not a company employee?
Do you have the link for the phone? If so, please post here.

I understand your scenario. I still think a contact with your carrier is in order as they may have come across this before. This sounds almost like some authentication mechanism to verify authorized use. Honestly, I am not sure. An image of what you are seeing might help.

Is the initial setup different that shown here?

Hi, thank you for your response. I have found out what it is now. Apparently, I have been sold an enterprise edition. That is why it has this Knox Enrollment Service in operation. It has nothing to do with the carrier. In other words, it can only be used by an employee of a company. This is confirmed by a Tech Support of Samsung. She couldn't or she has no authority to remove it. I have to contact the Samsung Business Team tomorrow. I am considering either having a go myself removing it or just returning the phone. But I need a phone for the trip.... sigh

PS - Yes I had already watched that clip right after I switched the phone on and saw the 3 options. Logic tells me something is not right here. Although the phone is genuine as confirmed by the Tech Support lady, the fact that nothing has ever been mentioned about the fact that this phone is of enterprise edition. It really upset me. So, do you know how to remove or disable this Knox Enrollment Service? I know that some special software will be required to run from my PC with the phone connected to it.
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