How to share ram memory to video memory


Apr 19, 2011
i need some to help me on how to do this i have a acer aspire one D255E n455. when i see in the bios only 8mb in video memory 2gb on my ram i want to share my ram memory to video memory i ask also if 8mb in video memory are fix or i can shae it more from my ram memory pls help me on how to do this to make my video memory hihger than 8 mb thank you

Shouldn't it be doing it on it's own as resources are needed?
Reboot your computer; hold down the "DEL" key during the re-boot. This should enter the BIOS of the computer. Once in the BIOS you need to located the setting for video card. Change the setting from the 8Mb you see, I assume during messages shown during a normal boot up sequence, to something like 128Mb. Exit the BIOS being sure to Save Changes.

No need to change operating systems, Win XP Pro is fine. (it was only mentioned to determine what limits were on size of shared video memory setting)


download the driver for u GMAs or other which manufacture by intel.. if u using intel GMA 3150 follow the instillation instruction to avoid mistake..