The door is jammed open and I need to take the CD out or the pieces. The software says my USB 3 is "full", need to get that plug working again. Any help is appreciated.
to the left or right of the drive's eject button is a small hole, use a straightened out paper clip to insert into that hole & push. the drive tray will partially pop out so you can then manually pull it out to get that disk out.
The door is jammed open and I need to take the CD out or the pieces. The software says my USB 3 is "full", need to get that plug working again. Any help is appreciated.
If it's "jammed open" you can't just pull it out more and get the drive out?
What software states your USB 3 is "full", is that the exact wording? What does that have to do with the DVD drive?
to the left or right of the drive's eject button is a small hole, use a straightened out paper clip to insert into that hole & push. the drive tray will partially pop out so you can then manually pull it out to get that disk out.