How to track dell laptop which is missing


Apr 3, 2012
I had missed my DELL studio 15 laptop on 30:03:2012...
I don't know how to find my laptop...
Is there any way to track my laptop....??
please do give your suggestions if you know any idea to find it out....!!
Hello naresh_telns;

Any chance you just left it somewhere and can't remember?

Otherwise a stolen laptop is not traceable.
-> Unless you loaded some tracking application PRIOR to it having gone missing. One example would be Prey:

Notify you local police and notify Dell it's been stolen.


Welcome to the Community

Check if you got the Box it came with . Now on that box it is a 7 digit Alpha numeric number ending with number 1 .

If you have the service tag it is the same number if u get it give it to police and file F.I.R for the same .

Next time when you purchase a dell system the service you should purchase and activate is call low jack .

Low jack helps you to track your system in case your system is stolen .



Dell | Social Media Outreach | Global Social Media & Community

what if i dont have box and bill???
I lost my Dell laptop on 28/03/2014. I've got my service tag number. I've also lodged a complaint in the local police station. Is there any possibility to trace the laptop with the service tag no.?


Hello Peyush,

I live in the U.S.A. and have also had my Dell laptop stolen. Please tell me what "F.I.R." means.

Thanks much,