When you have fantastic channels in your Roku Device, and when you are in for a dive into the pool of incredible episodes and amazing movies, you don’t want to miss it out anytime. A delay to watch an episode is as equal as have not watched it ever. Your excitement to watch episodes should be justified even when you are traveling. So how to travel with your Roku Device? It is simple to keep your Roku connected whenever and wherever you go. When you check into a hotel or another TV device, you need to follow these steps.
Step 1
Plug in 'Roku Streaming Stick'
You need to plug in the Roku Streaming stick first into the TV in front of you. You can use the Hotel and Dorm connect feature of Roku player anywhere.
Step 2
Click on ‘Settings’
The next step is to go into the settings of the Roku Player in front of you. Click on ‘Settings’.
Step 3
Click on 'Network'
Once you have clicked ‘Settings’, Click on network.
Step 4
Choose the 'Local Network'
Choose your local network or the hotel room network. (according to the feature).
Step 4
Connect your Phone
After choosing the local network, you will get a prompt to connect your smartphone device to the Roku device with the password you see on the screen of the Roku player. Once you’ve put in the password, Roku in your smartphone and the other Roku device is connected.
Step 5
Hotel Details
It is not a necessary step. If you have specific details or credentials of the hotel or place you staying in to be fed into the device, only then you have to do this. Otherwise, you are all set to go.