I have gotten an acer laptop from my cousin they upgraded and didnt want it, my other cousin formated it before giving it to me and from startup it puts me to a password screen that wont even let me press f2 for boot menu and i was goofing off and entered a few random passwords cause nobody knows it and its very basic looking stuff its a blue windows saying and i cant do anything or find anything online about it
Password/Unlock Key [_________]
Unlock Key Hint Number 96ae51e6
please if anyone has anyting to say to help please say something i have another working computer at my disposal to use and connect if i need to and i can load anything on to a disk or flash drive if needed
Password/Unlock Key [_________]
Unlock Key Hint Number 96ae51e6
please if anyone has anyting to say to help please say something i have another working computer at my disposal to use and connect if i need to and i can load anything on to a disk or flash drive if needed