iTunes is Apple’s one stop solution in their efforts to integrate their entire ecosystem. If it’s for downloading images of your iOS capable smart phone or uploading songs to your portable Apple branded media player, iTunes is the app you must have on your system provided ofc you have nothing but Apple devices in your household. This tutorial will show you how to install iTunes on your Windows or Linux powered laptops.
We will first go through installation on a Windows laptop.
1. Open your preferred we browser and go to this site to download the latest iteration of iTunes onto your laptop. As an added note, it’s good practice to take heed to the system requirements posted on the page 2/3rd‘s of the way down.
2. You should download the version corresponding with your OS’s architecture.

3. Once the dialog box to save comes up, click on save after you’ve set a destination for the executable.
4. Locate the newly saved executable and either double click on the installer or run it in an elevated command. I.e. Right click installer>Run as Administrator.
Mind you, if you double click on the executable and yet have your UAC User Account Control) settings to notify then you will need to click on Run.
5. Follow through the installation procedure by clicking on Next.
We will now show you how to install iTunes on a Linux driven laptop.
6. Go to this site and download install WINE on to your Linux based laptop.
7. Go to Apple’s iTunes download site and download either the 32-bit or the 64-bit versions. Some have mentioned that the 64-bit version has issues and recommend using the 32bit version of the installer. You can try with the 64-bit first and then work with the 32-bit version if the 64-bit version fails.
8. Open the Linux Terminal. You can do so via:
Pressing Ctrl + Alt + T
Pressing Alt + F2 and type gnome-terminal
Pressing the Windows Key + T (provided you’re on Xubuntu)
9. With your terminal in sight, type sudo apt-get install playonlinux and hit enter. PlayonLinux’s installation process should begin soon after. Once installation is complete open PlayonLinux, click on install.
10. Click on OK and follow through by clicking on Next.
11. Click on Yes if you’d like to sync iTunes to an USB device or No if you want to opt out.
12. Click on Browse, select the iTunes files you downloaded earlier and click on Open. Clicking Next on PlayonLinux will open a Wine Gecko installer window. Click on Install to follow through and allow for Wine to download additional components.
13. Click on Next. This will bring up a “Welcome to iTunes” dialog box and click on Install located at the bottom of the installation window.
14. Click Yes if you want to have autoRun for the iTunes app to run automatically. Clicking on Finish will wrap up your installation for iTunes on Linux.
15. Open the iTunes app on the desktop space and you should be greeted with a window that has a small left pane. That is known as the source pane. This area will hold most of the functionality to quickly access, organize and manage your content across your platforms. You can also find the option to rip media from your collection of CD’s into MP3 format.
On the top most area below the navigation bar is the media player to preview or listen to your media content.
Below that is the cover flow area (if you’re viewing option is set to the cover browser option among).
To its right is the search filed.
iTunes allows you to sync all your media purchases as well as link other iOS devices. You will need to log in to Apple’s server with either an existing account or will need to create an account. Don’t worry, the account creation process is absolutely free. You can do so by clicking on Account in the navigation bar and clicking on Sign In…