How to view pst files?

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Ben Avils

May 6, 2015
A client of mine runs an 8gb pst file which i have finally encouraged him to reduce by archiving off all pre 2013 communications.
But before we do this i would prefer the pst file to be error free which it isn't. whenever i run scanpst on the file it gets to the point of copying the pst before making changes, the copy is good but then scanpst hangs. Scanpst can only be killed by end process in task manager.
So of all the multitude of outlook pst file error recovery programs "out there" could i have some recommendations of which might be the correct tool. I have warned the client that it might cost £100 to purchase a program.
An 8GB .pst can take an hour or more to scan and repair, and scanpst will appear to hang (and will indicate 'scanpst has stopped responding' if the dialog is clicked) during most of the process after making the backup copy. As long as there is HD activity let it run for as long as it needs.
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