i recently built a gaming computer but i signed up be a mentor for CAD and solidworks for a local high school that has a F.I.R.S.T. robotics program. i did 2 semesters of CAD, pretty sure it was autodesk 2002, and one semester of rhino 3D in high school. i will also be taking a digital design course for the summer semester that includes CAD [not sure which version] and ill be taking another CAD class next semester. i have more experience than anyone else that has signed up to be a mentor so i will be in charge and i pretty much get to pick which program they use because i will be teaching it. they started their first season this year and did quite well for a rookie team, but they fell WAY behind when it came to digital design. they did quite well in every other aspect and built the best deployable mini-bot in the competition. i would also like to take my work home with me in college
i will be teaching them how to make the frame and chassis on either solidworks or CAD and how to modify both accordingly for each modification they need to make and other stuff [first gives you a few programs and you pick and choose which to use]. i will be using my own computer and bring it in each day for mentoring and for them to use it. the season wont start until around january so i have until then to prepare for teaching them and making myself as familiar to the software as possible
i still plan on doing a lot of gaming and i know workstation cards are not that great at it FPS wise and they are ridiculously expensive
system specs:
MSI GTX 460 cyclone
gigabyte z68x-ud3p-b3
8gigs g-skill dual channel 1600MHz RAM
850W PSU
i will be getting a SATA II or SATA III SSD soon because my WD green SATA I drive is SLOOOOW in every sense of the word [irrelevant to budget]
my budget is $400 for hardware. my rig is obviously built for SLI in the future. i believe im still in the time range to return any hardware to newegg except for the GTX 460 which i bought in 2010. everything else, minus the HDD, is less than a month old
aslo any help with choosing between autodesk and solidworks for F.I.R.S.T. would help. how similar are they and which would be easier to teach and mentor? also how long would it take me to apply what i know from rhino 3D and the autodesk to familiarize myself with solidworks. i would like to get to know both and it seems like solidworks would be better for smaller things like robots. any advice and recomendations, links, tutorials, just anything will be helpful
i will be teaching them how to make the frame and chassis on either solidworks or CAD and how to modify both accordingly for each modification they need to make and other stuff [first gives you a few programs and you pick and choose which to use]. i will be using my own computer and bring it in each day for mentoring and for them to use it. the season wont start until around january so i have until then to prepare for teaching them and making myself as familiar to the software as possible
i still plan on doing a lot of gaming and i know workstation cards are not that great at it FPS wise and they are ridiculously expensive
system specs:
MSI GTX 460 cyclone
gigabyte z68x-ud3p-b3
8gigs g-skill dual channel 1600MHz RAM
850W PSU
i will be getting a SATA II or SATA III SSD soon because my WD green SATA I drive is SLOOOOW in every sense of the word [irrelevant to budget]
my budget is $400 for hardware. my rig is obviously built for SLI in the future. i believe im still in the time range to return any hardware to newegg except for the GTX 460 which i bought in 2010. everything else, minus the HDD, is less than a month old
aslo any help with choosing between autodesk and solidworks for F.I.R.S.T. would help. how similar are they and which would be easier to teach and mentor? also how long would it take me to apply what i know from rhino 3D and the autodesk to familiarize myself with solidworks. i would like to get to know both and it seems like solidworks would be better for smaller things like robots. any advice and recomendations, links, tutorials, just anything will be helpful