HP Compaq mini computer


Sep 5, 2009
so i received for free an hp Compaq mini computer with a build in moden to surf on the web anywhere
the computer model is: HP Compaq mini CQ10-140EJ

so when i first got it and started it i noticed it's using windows 7 starter(its horrible for my opinion) so it took about 25 mini to install the HP stuff and when windows started it was very slow and windows 7 stater is a very limited with it's features you cant even change the wallpaper all those HP stuff like game's and all that just slow down my computer so i wanted to upgrade to windows 7 professional this and it was much faster then the other window but it wasn't a 100% fast it was still slow as hell/

after all that i want to format my pc and install again question is will i have any problems after i installed windows i mean with the drivers?

Thanks for the Help!
It's a netbook with a slow single core CPU. It's got 1GB of RAM. (you can change that out to 2GB)
It will definitely run a bit slower with Win7 Pro which is one reason it comes with Win7 Starter. You should be able to get rid of the HP bloatware without having to re-install Windows.

Thought about installing Linux?
How much will your wireless network account cost?
the 270n model is single core werid it says it duel and how can i change it to 2gb it an onborad?

and cost for me is 18.35 dollar for 36 month(3 years)
Defiantly single core. It's also an older model. N270 CPU and GMA 950 graphics. The newest Compaq mini CQ10 has the N450 CPU and GMA 3150 graphics.

To go from 1GB to 2GB you'll need to remove the 1GB RAM stick and replace it with 2GB stick. There is only 1 RAM slot. The CQ10 has an access slot on the back so its an easy upgrade.
You can find the CQ10 maintenance and service manual here: RAM upgrade on page 38

Check the fine print of your wireless service plan to make sure there isn't a data cap where they charge you a LOT more once you go over what's allowed in your $18.35 monthly plan. Not all wireless plans have this type of 'Gotcha' but if there is you want to know about it up front.
thx for the help but one more question: when i try to watch videos in youtube well the video runs very slow not the stream the fps of the video and is that normal i mean is this computer is that slow so it barely playing videos in youtube?