Solved! Hp dv9700 HDMI question


Jan 8, 2011
I own the HP dv9000 laptop and I'm curious about the left ports panel of the laptop body that has the S-VHS, RJ-45 and 11 ports, two USB ports, the VGA port, and the muliti-SD port, the expansion port 3 and the 1394 port. I have a molded piece of plastic covering what should be the HDMI port labled 7 in the service manual.

This configration is on page 15 of the dv9700 service manual. It notes on 7 (selected models only). Do I have HDMI or don't? My manufacturing tag says Model😀V9000. That's all, no sub letters. Is the HDMI ports under this plastic cover? Can't believe HP in their amazing laptop wisdom would spec this board without HDMI. :heink:

I've had two zd7000 that croaked on me but kept me warm as I went through chemo and an antique NEC w/windows 98 that has never had a problem (ever). I think the next laptop will NOT be HP.

Any ideas? :sarcastic:
It mostly depends on the feature set of the motherboard. HP will likely use several models of laptop motherboard depending on what CPU and options are selected for that model. And it's possible that motherboard vendors can change over time during the models lifetime.
You need to ID the motherboard specific to know if the MB has HDMI in it's feature set. My guess it it probably doesn't.

Download and run CPU-Z. The motherboard tab will get you the info you'll need to look up the feature set of your motherboard.
It mostly depends on the feature set of the motherboard. HP will likely use several models of laptop motherboard depending on what CPU and options are selected for that model. And it's possible that motherboard vendors can change over time during the models lifetime.
You need to ID the motherboard specific to know if the MB has HDMI in it's feature set. My guess it it probably doesn't.

Download and run CPU-Z. The motherboard tab will get you the info you'll need to look up the feature set of your motherboard.

Thank you. Great link and software. But why won't it find my mod to this motherboard for 8 track! :pt1cable:

This is from a guy who turned his IBM XT 286 chip into a refridgerator magnet and his 10 meg WD hard drive copper disk into my desk coaster. It still has Lotus 123 and Sidekick on it. Break out the wheelchair!!!

Below is the result on the motherboard. Any insight?

Manufacture: Quanta
Model: 30D1 85.26
Chipset: NVIDA nForce 560 Rev. A2
Southbridge: NVIDA nForce 560

Brand: Hewelett-Packard
Version: F.30
Date: 04-24-2008

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