That tells me 1 of three supplys is good. The 12V. (And I assume your power from the wall) There is also the on-board regulation of both 5V and 3.3V.
That narrows it to motherboard. You could open it and trace wires from the power supply input to the motherboard, Where those wires connect, look for swollen capacitors.
It could literally be a less than a dollar part, or 2 parts that just needs replacing, and all goes back to normal. This is a VERY common failure. Examples below.
If a silver cylinder is not COMPLETELY flat on top, It's bad. In the 2nd link, the top looks flat, but you can see goo leaking out the bottom. Thats a 22 Micro-farad 16 Volt capacitor.
This is assuming you want to open it up and do a visual inspection of the Mommy-Board. If you have a meter, see if you can find 5V and 3.3V. This could save you hundreds of $$$.
Reply if you want to proceed, if you can take GOOD close-up pics, I can help further.