HP Pavilion dv7-4071nr problems running Diablo 3


Sep 6, 2009
I own a HP Pavilion dv7-4071nr, here are the specs:

Intel Core i7-720QM processor 1.60GHz Turbo Boost to 2.8
ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5650, 1024MB DDR3

complete specs:

I tried to play the Diablo 3 open beta this past weekend and this computer could barely run it. Whenever it needed to load something new, like the town or a new monster or a new animation/graphic there would be about 3-5 seconds of a frozen screen, often with sound looping. Once it loaded a particular area/graphic successfully it ran relatively fine. Keep in mind this was all done with minimum settings. I don't know if this laptop has simply reached its limit or it's something else. It does meet the minimum system requirements for the game, but in this state it is unplayable.
It sounds like either a driver issue or maybe you were only running on the Intel HD graphics.

I was able to run it at ~40fps (1280x800) with at High textures, anti-aliasing on, but with shadows off, and the other settings low on a 9650m gt, which is an older and lower performing card.
Thanks for the advice! I've been looking what you said and I have discovered that HP laptops can run their GPUs in two modes: dynamic or fixed. Since my laptop is fairly new I guessing it runs in dynamic mode, although I'm not sure and a confirmation on this would be appreiciated. I'm assuming I can change the settings in the Catalyst Control Center? (I don't have access to my laptop right so I can't check).

Here is a link for those interested:
Generally you can just make sure under your power settings that High or Maximum performance is selected.

I am unfamiliar if your model has a manual switch (some do), but you should also be able to see your switcheable graphics settings in your bios and can force integrated if you don't want to hassle with it.

I looked in the BIOS and I couldn't find even a mention of a GPU much less its settings. I tried altering the settings in the CCC for specific applications, it may have worked for Diablo 3, but I obviously can't check because the open beta is over. Does anyone know how I can check which driver could be causing the problem. This problem I mentioned occurs in most new games.
did you have the game 100% downloaded?
the same issue was happening to me when I tried to play the game when the download reached "playable" and it was stutter every few seconds and while loading any new zone. I closed out of diablo 3, let the downloader finish completely and when I played again the issue was gone and I was getting like ~130fps.
Thanks for the post! I did indeed stop the download after it reached "playable", hopefully that was the problem. Unfortunately there's no way to test it, but it sounds very similar to my situation.
I'd put money on it, that playing while the game hadn't finished downloaded was causing issue. Sucks that there is no way to test it now, but who knows maybe they'll re-open the beta servers again this coming weekend :)

It would likely by under display in the BIOS. You mention this is occuring in most new games so not just D3 at the playable download stage, so I would continue to look into it.

I checked the BIOS again and I can't find anything about display options. I've written here the complete menus screen from the BIOS, there are five tabs at the top: Main, Security, Diagonistics, System Config, Exit

System Time
System Date
{A list of specs, including model numbers and product numbers, all in grey and unselectable, just for viewing purposes}

Diagnostics Log
>A bunch of empty records

Admin Password
Power-on Password

Primary Hard Disk Self Test
Memory Test

System Config
Virtualization Technology
LAN Power Settings
Fan always on
Action Keys Mode

Boot Options
>POST Hotkey Delay
>HP Quick Web
>CD-Rom Boot
>Floppy Boot
>Internal Network Adapter Boot

>Boot Order
>>Notebook Harddrive
>>Internal CD Rom Drive
>>USB Diskette and key/USB Hard Drive
>>USB CD/DVD Rom Drive
>>!USB Floppy
>>!Network Adapter

exit options (save or discard changes)

Maybe there's a way to access advanced settings, but I can't find a mention of it, any ideas.

I have the same laptop and there is only the ATI graphics card. What you read before was for CPUs with the integrated graphics as well as a dedicated card. The dv7 4071nr does not have this. The first version of the i7 mobile processor did not have any integrated graphics. Of course, I can play at around 42fps on my system. I did adjust my settings to reduce some of the animations, and I had put in 8G of ram as well many years ago instead of what it had originally. All of those things can help.