msnellin :
Hello, Did you get an answer to this problem. I have just had the same thing happen to my pics.
I'm jus browsing around 2 find out what the .vfs file actually does, weather it holds photos or what, I know it makes browsing faster, but how?
I would hate to lose any pics or vids of my 2 yr old. What I would have done if the pics didnt move to the hard disk from the mem card is first(before I do anything else), right click(in windows) and click 'undo', to see if the operation is undone, thus moving the pics back to the mem card. If that didn't work, I would do a complete search of my hard disk using one of the names of the pics, they could be in a temp folder somewhere. and finally, I would use a recovery program to search the mem card and recover all the photos. As long as nothing else has been added to the card, they should all still be there ready to be written over.
Good luck,
M Walker