HTC One M8 Battery Drain

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Shaya Selincourt

Apr 6, 2014
I recently got a One M8 from a friend. He had it for about a month and he says there have been no battery problems. I reset the device and the battery life started sucking big time. Charging would take forever, it would drain really fast, and it was terrible. I called HTC and they said I need to re-calibrate the battery by shutting it down, letting it charge for 10 minutes, they holding down the volume and power buttons for 2 minutes. Now, charging is fixed, but it still drains fast. I unplugged it this morning and watched YouTube videos for a while and after 30 minutes I was down to 90%. Is this normal for this phone? Before I got the M8, I had a Lumia 1520, so I am kind of spoiled on battery life. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Hi! I appreciate your post, because I didn't know about that trick with holding the buttons and stuff! I have an M7.

Go to Settings, and Power and tell us what is using the battery. It may be "Android OS" or "Android System" which are completely out of your control, or it may be a high-drain app that you can uninstall. I would also try turning off WiFi and location services if you don't need them.

Hope that helps :)

The app using the most as of now is IFTTT, and even then its only 12%. Android System is using only 7%.


Is your data connection weak? Is Data Roaming happening?

That link says the video has been removed by the user. Can you tell us what it said. I am having the same problem with battery drain. It just started a few days ago. My power settings say android system is using 70 percent of the power.

Lollipop killed my m8 battery performance. There were a number of things going on but I backed everything up and did the dreaded factory reboot. After half a day getting my phone back the way I like it, I am happy to report a return to my pre-upgrade battery. It might be better. Pre-reset I had to get my phone back on the charger in the early evening (7am - 6:30pm or so.) Now i am back to going all day. When I plug in at night around midnight I am usually sitting around 30%. I couldnt recommend the factory reset more.


Does this mean you don't have lollipop anymore? My M8 I noticed started draining really bad last week but I haven't downloaded anything new and I never have my Mobile Data on, its wifi or nothing. I dont play games on my phone or habitually check facebook or anything. I got Lollipop awhile ago though but didn't notice the battery drain until last week. Its bumming me out.

Is you're phone running Lollipop by any chance? My HTC One M8, which was running Android Kit Kat out of box, used to be awesome on battery life and charged really quickly. It was also super fast! It was a great device and I loved it - right up until it updated itself from Kitkat to Lollipoop! Lollipop, as they call it, has ruined my HTC One M8! Now, I hate it because it now gets ulltra hot, lags, takes too long to charge, and battery drains within minutes. This is only a partial list of the problems I now have due to this update! I'm gonna try the recalibration suggested here, since I've tried everything else mentioned, except a hard reset which will be the last resort so I really hope the power button thing works so I don't have to try the hard reset. So thanks for the info.
I'm also keen to know if anyone has a solution. In Early-mid August my phone wanted to do an HTC update. I read reviews saying it caused battery drain and slow charge, so I ignored it and didn't upgrade. Interestingly enough, a week or so later I plugged my phone in to charge and it said something about use a genuine HTC charger to charge faster. I was thinging what the... it is a genuine charger, it came with the phone and is the same one I have used for nearly 18 months since I bought it. So I ignored it. But I have noticed since then it is draining faster, not even getting 12 hours use, plus takes longer to charge. Over the month the charge has become slower and slower, and now from empty, I dont even get 100% charge overnight. it is taking more than 8 hours to fully charge, where used to be maybe an hour and a half. If plugged in, and play a game or music, it still drains. Which it shouldn't be doing when it is plugged in. This was all without doing the upgrade. So 2 days ago I decided I may as well d the upgrade because I had constant message popping up. Every time I picked it up to do anything and swiped to unlock the screen was a message to update. I though maybe that was the cause of the drain. But no joy in the past 2 days. I have turned off a lot of apps, in fact all the Google ones. still no improvement. I just dont understand how it randomly started having problems. So any answers on a "real" fix would be appreciated.
I am having that same problem, Android OS is using 24% of my battery. Is this truly something I can do nothing about? Or is there something I can do? My phone is a little over a year old, is it possible I need a new battery?

I had the same problem yesterday - Android OS suddenly using 40% of the battery, and phone was getting hot. Now the phone has died, and after charging overnight I just get the battery symbol with lightning which flashes off and on every few seconds. The phone will not power on and does not appear to be taking a charge at all. The 2-minute battery calibration mentioned here does nothing for me....


This may sound silly but on my phone the charge rate and battery life extends exponentially if I delete fb and fb messenger. I noticed that fb messenger never showed up in my battery usage but fb does. I think messenger is designed to either not show up at all or to show up as combined usage only. Let me know if this helps for you as it did for me.

Try charging the phone to between 2 and 5%, unplugging it, powering it on, and plugging it back in. I'm not sure why they disable booting up while in this "charging mode" but this is the workaround I've been using. Hope this helps :)


The main problem with this phone is the charging port wearing out, oxidizing, and really a horrible overall design. There is a housing that covers the usb port and also fastens the bottom module that has the port and headphone jack. Over time the port becomes loose and only charges in the perfect position, and to a point not at all. Unfortunately it requires replacing the charging port, which isn't exactly hard or expensive, except the first time there is a ridiculous amount of glue that has to be heated to make everything easier to remove.

The issue isn't related to any apps or version of the OS.
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