I can't find the key product anywhere !

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Apr 20, 2017
So I just bought an Acer Aspire E 17 with windows 10 install on it and when I started the laptop their was few things to do and one of dose was to enter the key product but I've searched everywhere and I can't find it at all what do I do? Of course there is an option "do it later" but what will happen if I press it?
Since Win 8 OEMs have been embedding the product key in the bios and not using a sticker. When reinstalling choose skip when it asks for the product key and it should activate itself after the install completes and it has an internet connection.
Not to mention if it is Windows 10 and it came pre-installed, it is hardcoded into the motherboard (I have an Acer as well). So you can reinstall Windows 10 100 times and it will use the same product key. Again, like rgd1101 is asking, this is Windows.

Many times it is on a label on the bottom of the laptop. Otherwise it should be on a label attached to the instruction manual.
Since Win 8 OEMs have been embedding the product key in the bios and not using a sticker. When reinstalling choose skip when it asks for the product key and it should activate itself after the install completes and it has an internet connection.

No Bignasty is correct, I forgot about that. Once it activates its done. You don't need the product key for anything.
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