I have a new LG T V & a new LG sound bar. There is only one optical connection and have connected it to the TV and optical 1 p

Brent Gordon

Feb 23, 2015
I have a new LG TV and a new LG sound bar. I have connected the only optical provided to my TV and optical in port on my sound bar. All power cords are connected and a solid green light is on on my subwoofer. However it cannot pair up my sound bar to the TV using the remote controls. I need some direction to do this if anyone can help me.
Brent G.
Both my TV (Samsung) and my PVR (Panasonic) output to the optical socket all the time, but my soundbar needs to be told which input to use. (Obviously I need to switch the internal speakers off.) I guess LGs could be different and need to be told explicitly to output to the optical output.