B badlyfrustrated Estimable Feb 2, 2016 1 0 4,510 Feb 2, 2016 #1 The HDMI cable to my LENOVO laptop doesn't have a conection unless I put down pressure on the cable end does any have an idea for a fix?
The HDMI cable to my LENOVO laptop doesn't have a conection unless I put down pressure on the cable end does any have an idea for a fix?
reedo_43 Distinguished Feb 18, 2010 667 0 19,910 Feb 2, 2016 #2 Sounds like the socket itself is bad. There would be no easy or cheap fix unless it is under warranty. Sorry for your luck! Have you tried another cable? Now that would be cheap and easy... Upvote 0 Downvote
Sounds like the socket itself is bad. There would be no easy or cheap fix unless it is under warranty. Sorry for your luck! Have you tried another cable? Now that would be cheap and easy...