I know....I know!



Archived from groups: alt.cellular.verizon (More info?)

You've been asked this a million times. I really did read all the posts I
could download. I also have searched Phonescoop till my fingers bleed..

Here's my situation: I just signed up with VZ, at their store for 1000
anytime minutes, $39.99. I already had a phone that somebody gave me and
they activated it (Nokia 585x). It's working fine and my wife uses it for
business. We've never had cell phones (hated the thought!).

Anyway, It's getting close to the 15 day cancel period and I need some new
phones. I only signed for a 1 year contract. I'm willing to spring for 2
years, but will I have to cancel just to get the prices on their web-site?

Ok, I like the LG and Samsung features. Their web has 2 a650's for $30. Will
the retail store where I signed up match this price? Or should I just buy
one more phone, thinking maybe the LG 4500 or LG4600..........both around
$70? My wife is happy with the Nokia because she leaves it in her car most
of the time, so size isn't a big deal to her. For me, yes.....

Any input will help me out!! Thanks a bunch.

Archived from groups: alt.cellular.verizon (More info?)

Mountain Mike^^ <joshrandall@vfemail.net> wrote in message
> You've been asked this a million times. I really did read all the posts I
> could download. I also have searched Phonescoop till my fingers bleed..

Ended up getting 2 SCH 650's for $30 after rebate at the store. Pretty
decent phones, I think......

Did I hear someone say you could record a voice and use it as *their*
ringer?? Can't seem to find the post.
Archived from groups: alt.cellular.verizon (More info?)

Mountain Mike^^ <joshrandall@vfemail.net> wrote:

> Did I hear someone say you could record a voice and use it as *their*
> ringer?? Can't seem to find the post.

I did that with my 660 - getting the ringer to the phone on Sprint is
pretty simple, you can do it yourself OTA - not sure about the process with
Verizon. Should be doable.

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Apple Valley, California Nothing scares me anymore. I have three kids.
Archived from groups: alt.cellular.verizon (More info?)


I cannot find that deal. In what area did you get it?


"Mountain Mike^^" <joshrandall@vfemail.net> wrote in message
> You've been asked this a million times. I really did read all the posts I
> could download. I also have searched Phonescoop till my fingers bleed..
> Here's my situation: I just signed up with VZ, at their store for 1000
> anytime minutes, $39.99. I already had a phone that somebody gave me and
> they activated it (Nokia 585x). It's working fine and my wife uses it for
> business. We've never had cell phones (hated the thought!).
> Anyway, It's getting close to the 15 day cancel period and I need some new
> phones. I only signed for a 1 year contract. I'm willing to spring for 2
> years, but will I have to cancel just to get the prices on their web-site?
> Ok, I like the LG and Samsung features. Their web has 2 a650's for $30.
> the retail store where I signed up match this price? Or should I just buy
> one more phone, thinking maybe the LG 4500 or LG4600..........both around
> $70? My wife is happy with the Nokia because she leaves it in her car most
> of the time, so size isn't a big deal to her. For me, yes.....
> Any input will help me out!! Thanks a bunch.
> MM^^
Archived from groups: alt.cellular.verizon (More info?)

Never mind. I found it. Not as good as T-Mobile's 1000 anytime plan...no
long distance or roaming included, as T-Mobile has.

"Gregg Hill" <bogus@nowhere.com> wrote in message
> MM,
> I cannot find that deal. In what area did you get it?
> Gregg
> "Mountain Mike^^" <joshrandall@vfemail.net> wrote in message
> news:2o0hsnF4u7j3U1@uni-berlin.de...
> > You've been asked this a million times. I really did read all the posts
> > could download. I also have searched Phonescoop till my fingers bleed..
> >
> > Here's my situation: I just signed up with VZ, at their store for 1000
> > anytime minutes, $39.99. I already had a phone that somebody gave me and
> > they activated it (Nokia 585x). It's working fine and my wife uses it
> > business. We've never had cell phones (hated the thought!).
> >
> > Anyway, It's getting close to the 15 day cancel period and I need some
> > phones. I only signed for a 1 year contract. I'm willing to spring for 2
> > years, but will I have to cancel just to get the prices on their
> >
> > Ok, I like the LG and Samsung features. Their web has 2 a650's for $30.
> Will
> > the retail store where I signed up match this price? Or should I just
> > one more phone, thinking maybe the LG 4500 or LG4600..........both
> > $70? My wife is happy with the Nokia because she leaves it in her car
> > of the time, so size isn't a big deal to her. For me, yes.....
> >
> > Any input will help me out!! Thanks a bunch.
> >
> > MM^^
> >
> >