Solved! I need HDMI from ps3 out to lg sk 9y in to Epson home cinema projector HDMI in. Sound won't play from sound bar only projector

Jan 6, 2019
I'm trying to run sound and video from a ps3 to an Epson projector and lg so 9y sound bar via HDMI. I can get visual and audio out of the speakers on the projector but no audio from the sound bar.
Did you connect the PS3 to the HDMI input of the soundbar and the HDMI output of the soundbar to the projector? That should work. ARC is not required. If you have more sources then use an HDMI input selector.
I found a smart blue ray player with two HDMI outputs replaced the ps3 and was able to hook it up. I was thinking I could probably create the same effect on the ps3 if I had a splitter connected to the ps3, not sure though.