I Need Help SUPER FAST!!!


Nov 12, 2013
Hi, I'm Cdog723 and I came to this website for help from good people who know what they're doing.
My Dad and I are in a little disagreement of which computer I should buy. Currently I am on a late 2009 MacBook and want to play games but they're all for Windows. I personally want to buy a Desktop PC because they have higher Specs and are cheaper. But laptops have pretty good specs, but are usually $1,000 more than desktops. My Dad said to buy a laptop for portability but I only use my computer in my room and I don't go anywhere with it.
I found this Desktop: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16883258020
And I found this Laptop: http://www.toshiba.com/us/computers...tid=400007100000000884&cadevice=c&cagpspn=pla

Definately a desktop PC will be incredibly better for gaming. Mac isn't really made for gaming and you can't upgrade them if you aren't conformed with it's performance. In a few years the macbook will be practically useless and run very slow, pretty much being complete trash while you could upgrade a desktop PC instead of buying an entirely new computer.
The graphics card in that desktop is really underpowered. Also the power supply could be better.

Generally a desktop is indeed a much better thing to get for any kind of gaming. You get so much more for your money.
I don't want to get into the Mac v Windows debate, but I do know that if you want decent game performance & the ability to upgrade the graphics card (& other parts if necessary) to meet the requirements of new games going forward, it has to be a desktop computer. Many "game junkies" even build their own computers so they can choose & use the exact parts they want, as well as saving a fair wad of cash compared to buying ready-built.
You will always get much great performance for the money with a desktop compared to a laptop, or conversely equal performance will be far cheaper with a desktop. If you do not need portability, go with a desktop. Another advantage to desktops, is that you can upgrade pretty much any of the components over time, while with laptops you just need to replace them.
I don't recommend a laptop, quality control is low to non existent and only 1 year warranty most of the time.
Laptop also has problem with heat dissipation and it's get worse when gaming. Also forget about gaming on the battery (will last an hour tops and the laptop will probably throttle the cpu for power saving.
Also, for gaming, a desktop will be way better and cheaper.

Indeed you will have to spend at least 1000-1200 on a laptop to be able to have descent gaming. While a 800 desktop will probably perform the same or even a bit better than the laptop.
You have many different options when it comes to desktop, most efficient would be to make one yourself but that requires some knowledge you may not have. I think you would be pretty good as long as you don't go with any laptops nor Alienware which is very overpriced for what you get. Also, remember to get a good graphics card like a GTX650 or higher, otherwise you might not be very happy with it's performance.
If you dont want to spend much, desktop is your best option. Gaming laptops can be good but you will have to spend $1500++ to get a decent one.
Remember to search for the components of the computer you will buy to make sure your money isn't going to be wasted.

If you dont travel alot then you dont need a gaming laptop. You can just buy a 400$ to access internet and stuff when you go on vacation etc.

if you dont mind post the link to the desktop you found