I need help with html bug PLEASE

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the problem you have is that you have added padding to the CSS for <yo> and <p1>, this will cause anything you want to have next to each other to be spread out

This is what happens without the CSS being edited

this is what it looks like after removing padding from the CSS

EDIT - I did post the HTML but as RDG rightly said, you wont learn if you dont research yourself, this is fairly simple stuff so you should be able to get what you need from what i said. Though im still not sure if your homework is on HTML or on JFK lol

Then you have a lot of reading to do if your homework has to be in, in 4 days.

the idea of CSS is that you can customise a tag with colours, fonts, spacing and other things, changing it once in the <style> tag or in a separate .css file. for the YO and p1 tag you had margins of 100px im not going to help you much more as you should be able to understand what you need to do.

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