I switched from Verizon to T-Mobile — and it’s been a total disaster so far

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I did the exact opposite. Switched from T-Mobile to Verizon. I had decent 5gUC and I live in the woods basically. My fastest speeds were at home. I would sometimes even turn off my Wi-Fi to use my data because it was that much faster. With Verizon, I get pretty good call quality in places I couldn't with T-Mobile but the data is painfully slow most of the time and I almost never have 5g let alone 5gUW 😓 and paying $40 more. Would be worth it if I had the call/text quality of Verizon with the data I had with T-Mobile.
I just switched from Verizon to T-Mobile in May to save about $103 a month for my two lines. I've had the same issue and I am in Colorado Springs. Constant connectivity loss, often showing no service, or its switching to LTE. I never had this issue with Verizon. So will be looking into Visible.
I'm sorry to hear you're having issues after switching from Verizon to T-Mobile. But in my opinion Verizon and T-Mobile have different network coverage maps. Verizon is known for its extensive coverage, especially in rural areas, while T-Mobile has been rapidly expanding its network. However, there may still be areas where T-Mobile's coverage is not as strong as Verizon's. You might be in one of those areas where T-Mobile’s signal is weaker.
I switched from Verizon to T-Mobile — and it’s been the best thing I have ever done. I was with Verizon for more than 20 years but I could not get a good signal at my distillery in the middle of Dallas, Texas. I tried all the services that were available, but nothing worked. T-Mobile offered me a free wireless router to act as a cell tower and it worked perfectly. I went to Dubai last year, used my phone tones for a whole week and my total bill was only $1.20. I just got back from London, Scotland, Wales and Ireland for three weeks and my total bill was $0.80. T-Mobile is the best and it works great in Dallas, Texas. And coming soon, it will even connect to a satellite if no cell towers are available.
Was it south Wales you visited
Hey all, as a person who grew up in that area, lived and worked repairing phones out there until just a few years ago, T-Mobile works great as long as you do a few things to help.
1. Turn off WiFi calling. This contributes to dropped calls since there is no handoff between routers and cellular towers.

2. Update the PRL. Helps with preferred roaming,(like *228 for Verizon). Quick Google search helps with that one.

3. Restart your phone once a week or so. Amazing what a restart will do.

Must of this stuff is done automatically on Verizon's bloatware. Hope this helps.
To be honest, turning off Wi-Fi calling is what causes the most problems for me. Actually when we were switching to T-Mobile, the call kept getting cut off. On one of the still Verizon phones and on a phone that was already swapped over. They mentioned that calls had been dropping more than usual lately. The call with them was literally dropped at least 7 times in the course of 4-6 hrs on the phone with them in total. During the call, they kept cutting out multiple times. I almost thought my new phone's speaker that I had bought from them was malfunctioning.
I have had TMobile in South Florida for a decade or so. I have not had any of the issues you've encountered. I love being able to text for free on many flights. I also had decent coverage in Japan and South Korea when I recently visited. I'm guessing the region of the country you're in is dependent on your experience.
I wonder if it could be an iPhone problem. I have a friend that has an iPhone and gets worse reception at my house than my phone does.. She uses Verizon towers, which are actually closer than the T-Mobile towers are that I use..

As for speeds.. I have another friend that just got a new phone not too long ago.. He is a straight Verizon customer, and me, I am on Metro by T-Mobile.. Side by side speed test, both on 5G.. He was getting about 20 megs down, me on Metro, about 150 megs down..

Coverage will have to depend where you are at.. The small community of Albion near me, people that call me from there on Verizon are constantly dropping connections due to poor service, where I have never had a problem in the area with Metro. traveling, I would say that I get about 95% coverage on T-Mobile towers, and I like state roads, not main highways as state routes are more scenic.. But you do get better coverage on main highways.
I just switched and am having the complete opposite experience. Verizon was dropping calls and wouldn't work in my office on the 8th floor which previously had 5UW available in it. This all started a month before I switched. I have worked 2 weeks at the office with FULL signal all day and somehow it even works on the central parts of the building. No dropped calls. I don't use the hotspot often so I cannot report on that.
I switched from Verizon to T-Mobile as my phone carrier, and I've experienced too many drop calls and slow internet connections since making the move.

I switched from Verizon to T-Mobile — and it’s been a total disaster so far : Read more
I have also had the opposite result. We has Verizon for years and always had good service. When I began traveling for work, I experienced so much trouble with dropped calls and no service I finally switched to T-mobile. My brother had recommended it because he had no problems. Ove had it now fir 3 years and it's been fine. I have had no dropped calls and no "no service" from Mt. Rainer to Key West Florida. Even in the middle of nowhere Wyoming I get service. Love T- mobile.