I5 vs i7 for gaming?


Aug 7, 2016
Im looking for a budget laptop, im looking at two models atm, both have similar graphics cards, one has an i5-337u proc and the other a i7-3610qm and is 50-100 quid more expensive, and im just wondering if the i7 is worth the extra dollar.

This review here actually favours the i5 over the i7 http://cpuboss.com/cpus/Intel-Core-i7-3610QM-vs-Intel-Core-i5-3337U and shows the i7 to have about a 30% increase in performance over the i5.

But cpu benchmark.net gives the i7 more than twice the score of the i5 which seems colosoll, if cpu is important for gaming, which i think it is.

I dont know that much about computers so i was hoping for some guidance before i make my final decision, currently leaning towards the i5.
I should have mentione that the prices of the two are 300 and 350-400 .
So 100 is quite a bit, so i only want to be paying it if its really worth it, plus i like the other one a bit more, its a sony vaio and is in a bit better shape than the more expnsive one, an alienware mx14 r2

People favor the "U" cpu because of ow watts not for performance , they are half the watt of the i7 and some times 1/3 the watts giving more battery life .

But this has many other factors , like how big is the battery as well .. some use small batteries with the "u" ending up in the ssame battery life ...

another thing , the "U" cpu run cooler and need smaller heatsink reducing weight and size ..

If you want faster , get the i7 ..

can you give me please links ?
Certainly, heres a review for the alienware with the i7 http://www.notebookreview.com/notebookreview/alienware-m14x-r2-review-better-than-the-original/2/

And heres one for the vaio with the i5 http://www.notebookreview.com/notebookreview/sony-vaio-fit-15-review/2/

I notice that there is not all that big a difference in the score each got for overall system performance ( 4300 vs 4150)

Note also this review of the fit doesnt have it but the one im looking at has a gt 750m card.

how much are you paying ? do you know that GTX 950 blows those cards out of the water ?and GTX 950 notebooks are not expensive at all.

how much is your budget?

Im getting it second hand, and i Cant find a laptop with gtx 950 on the irish sites. Budget is around 400.
I did find just the gpu for 150 but i thought that you couldnt swap gpus in laptops?
Looked on ebay, these two choices are definetly the best i can afford for now. Not a hardcore gamer, just want the option and see how i like it. Would like to be able to play skyrim, dragon age, fallout 4 if possible.