I'm looking for a gaming laptop under 2,000$

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Apr 22, 2014
Hey guys, I need a gaming laptop under 2,000 Canadian Dollars, I need it for gaming on Ultra (GTA 5, Garry's Mod, CS:GO, TF2, Fallout 4, Half Life, etc) and editing 1080p and 4K video with Vegas Pro and Adobe Premiere. I was originally looking at the Razer Blade Pro, but I have decided to see what you guys recommend on here. There are also some features that I would like on a laptop too (Not all of them are needed), A 4K display, Mechanical or really good keys, a good built in mic (I have a Blue Yeti but this is for when I don't have it), an SSD for the OS and applications, back lit keyboard, 5GHz WIFI, more than 16GB of ram, and the capability of playing VR and games on Ultra.

Thanks for the help guys.

I'd really avoid getting 17 inch gaming laptops if you plan to travel a lot, you say it is fine but 17 inch is over what I consider the maximum size for a portable laptop


The mayor difference is that the GL502VS is a 15.6 inch laptop and the other one is a 17.3 inch laptop, much more bulky and heavier

For a $1000 plus I'd definitely get the GL502VS instead. There is no way the extra OC capabilities or performance justify that price, both have i7 cpus and a gtx 1070, get the GL502VS
I don't think 17" is that big and it is not that odd to cary it around. Yes it will become pain if you don't have correct bagpack to carry it around. I carry Alienware 18 on my back while travelling in metro while standing. I have perfect Aristrocrat bagpack which is designed to spread the weight evenly over my back instead of putting lot of strain on shoulders which solves the problem. The bag doesn't feel heavy at all.

Person who is spending that huge amount on laptop can definitely get a good bag to carry it around.

Okay, i've already decided this is the laptop i'm gonna get but, I wanna know should I get the 64GB ram & 512GB SSD model or the 32GB ram & 256GB SSD model? Also, if I bought an HTC Vive, would this laptop be powerful enough to handle it? Thanks!

ASUS ROG G752VS-XB78K OC Edition (32GB of Ram & 256GB SSD): $3,537.86 CAD
ASUS ROG G752VS-XB78K OC Edition (64GB of Ram & 512GB SSD): $4,243.46 CAD

Jesus christ they're insanely expensive.
I'm really urging you at this point OP, the desktop/laptop combo is the best option available to you.
Not enough battery life to even be that productive with a 1060/1070 in a laptop anyway.


I'm sure you do but it's not the best option. Lighter is better as long as the thermals are good indeed 14 inch is the perfect balance between power and size but 15 inch is just fine especially given the hardware inside


Don't but preconfigured models with that much ram and storage the upgrades are always expensive. Instead, get a 16GB model and buy the extra RAM and storage alone

There are almost no differences in performance between the two

Only a higher OC headroom on the GL752VS but I really do not think it is worth it

I'd get the GL502VS for $5000 less and add more RAM and an SSD if you want

At the end of the day, both have core i7s and GTX 1070s like I mentioned before, no significant performance boost by buying the 17 inch version


There is a big difference performance wise in that two processors. i7-6700HQ is clocked at 2.6GHz but i7-6820HK can be OC to 4GHz. There is good 1.4GHz difference. That makes a lot of difference for video rendering. Even the GTX1070 is locked to base clock on GL502VS but on G752VS it is OC to 2GHz. Which again makes lot of difference in games.

OP needs best performing laptop which can perform nearly as good as a desktop but can be portable. So G752VS is the best option he has.

Right, I really need a laptop that can run pretty much everything, and be able to last for about 2-3 years.

2-3 years futureproofing isn't going to be present for you in a laptop given your price range, you'll get a GTX 1060 with a mobile i7 maybe, and I can tell you even at 1080p it's going to maybe JUST last two years in terms of keeping up with AAA titles. :/
I still strongly recommend the aforementioned ITX build and moderate laptop as it may be apparent....
You're not going to be outside gaming exactly in most cases, unless you're doing heavy travel frequently, like once a month its completely out of the question imo if you don't have a separate PC rig at home.


2-3 years futureproofing isn't going to be present for you in a laptop given your price range, you'll get a GTX 1060 with a mobile i7 maybe, and I can tell you even at 1080p it's going to maybe JUST last two years in terms of keeping up with AAA titles. :/
I still strongly recommend the aforementioned ITX build and moderate laptop as it may be apparent....
You're not going to be outside gaming exactly in most cases, unless you're doing heavy travel frequently, like once a month its completely out of the question imo unless one was to have an existing PC rig at home.


Come on bro i7-6820HK and GTX1070(not GTX1060) can run games at 1080p for 2-3Years at high+ settings with ease.

You probably mistook the specs for i7-6700HQ and GTX1060. :)