N Noe Avila Estimable Nov 29, 2014 2 0 4,510 Dec 26, 2014 #1 My mother in law likes photo and video editing and she asked me to look for a laptop for her. want to find her a really good one and with ez software so she can do what she needs 2.
My mother in law likes photo and video editing and she asked me to look for a laptop for her. want to find her a really good one and with ez software so she can do what she needs 2.
rockie_ Estimable Sep 20, 2014 329 0 5,910 Dec 26, 2014 #2 http/www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834232132&cm_re=gtx_850m-_-34-232-132-_-Product Upvote 0 Downvote