Archived from groups: rec.audio.tech (More info?)
Hi Folks,
Thanks for looking. I came across a trove of vintage Quad equipment
from the seventies. One of the pieces is a box measureing 4 x 8 x 10
inches with Sansui QS on the front with QS 4Channel Decoder X-2 below
it. On the back side are RCA inputs for L&R and outputs for LF, LB,RF
and RB there is also a fuse holder. Printed in large letters across
the back are SAMPLE. There is a small tage below the printing with the
numbers 740810. Could this be one of those rare prototype QS units I
have seen refence to on the web? any one have an idea on the value of
something of this nature? Other equipment in this trove I have found
reference to include a Sony SQD-2020, CBS Technologies SQL-400 (serial
number 93) and a JVC 4DD-5 Any info about these pieces would be
greatly appreciated
Hi Folks,
Thanks for looking. I came across a trove of vintage Quad equipment
from the seventies. One of the pieces is a box measureing 4 x 8 x 10
inches with Sansui QS on the front with QS 4Channel Decoder X-2 below
it. On the back side are RCA inputs for L&R and outputs for LF, LB,RF
and RB there is also a fuse holder. Printed in large letters across
the back are SAMPLE. There is a small tage below the printing with the
numbers 740810. Could this be one of those rare prototype QS units I
have seen refence to on the web? any one have an idea on the value of
something of this nature? Other equipment in this trove I have found
reference to include a Sony SQD-2020, CBS Technologies SQL-400 (serial
number 93) and a JVC 4DD-5 Any info about these pieces would be
greatly appreciated