Install new operating system on laptop



I know NOTHING...about installing harddrives...but my hubby bought a laptop without a harddrive for my daughter and gave me a project....(yea 🙁...anyway I did order the compatable hd for the Gateway Notebook 4046gz. Put in powered up...blank screen. It is black. Power is on. Is that because I need an operating system. I think it does...BUT it does have a sticker over a door on bottom that says Gateway XP edition....still I think he said he bought without operating system. Also, top left underside of laptop seems hot to me. ANY help for a NON, NON, NON techie??? I need real life talk. Thanks in advance!!! Any help appreciated. I don't get it I have NO screen how I can load anything!
Yes, typically when you buy just a hard drive, it is blank, hence no OS on it. When you buy a brand new computer, it comes with an OS. You'll need to order whichever version of Windows you prefer, insert the DVD, hit f2 or whatever it is, select boot from DVD/CD drive, and install the OS.
I know NOTHING...about installing harddrives...but my hubby bought a laptop without a harddrive for my daughter and gave me a project....(yea 🙁...anyway I did order the compatable hd for the Gateway Notebook 4046gz. Put in powered up...blank screen. It is black. Power is on. Is that because I need an operating system. I think it does...BUT it does have a sticker over a door on bottom that says Gateway XP edition....still I think he said he bought without operating system. Also, top left underside of laptop seems hot to me. ANY help for a NON, NON, NON techie??? I need real life talk. Thanks in advance!!! Any help appreciated. I don't get it I have NO screen how I can load anything!

Yes you will need to either load an OS or clone the old drive onto to new drive

Thank you so vary much

My poor cummunication skills had me asking all
The wrong questions though windows7 will cost me
£199.00 I finally have the answer I was seeking.

P.s. the bad news in a state of deprestion my lap-
Top jumped into a dumpster.

I do not no how to add the os to my cumputer as it has a blank screen
And I have no disc , my only means of communicating in this form
Is w/ my not so smart phone.

Thank you wr2
Sincerly Jas22

Ps I am open to suggestions.
Thank you so much for all your help
You are indeed a blessing, Iam greatfull for this site, as geek squad... well
Need I say more?
?/will this work on a laptop