I don't know why Jaguarsxkz went on a whole explanation that never gave a proper reply to the question, but what he should have said was:
If you want to game, you get an NVIDIA card or an ATI card. Intel can go suck it because they don't know how to make a graphics card, or they just don't care enough to make a good one. They're all about getting the computer for the average user to work Windows and the internet.
Facebook games are not part of PC gaming. I don't care if they work or they don't.
If you want to game, get the Radeon 6620G. It's made for handling directx driven content and real-time rendering, which is what most games in this day and age run on.
I always buy laptops for the graphics card first, the processor second.
If I see a laptop with an ati card, I consider it. Then I look for a dual core processor of at least 2.0ghz. Preferably 2.3 or 2.4 for an affordable laptop choice. Then, of course at least 2gb of RAM to run windows 7. 4 or 6 being better obviously.
The laptop I describe buying should be within the 300-500 price range. Usually I will shoot to get it on sale for $300.
If you have $500-700 to spend, you can get a much better laptop with a really decent ati card, a dual core 3.x processor and 4-6gb of ram.
Remember. Graphics card FIRST. Hardest thing to change in a laptop is the motherboard, but of the 3 I'm talking about, the gpu is the hardest to change, followed by the processor, and the ram is the easiest.
So you can change your processor, but your graphics card doesn't have much room for improvement, so go with a good one.
Also, if you don't want hardware failures after 2 years of owning the damn thing, then buy from a good brand name. It matters because cheaper makes cut corners. Buy Acer, ASUS, Toshiba, Lenevo. Don't but e-machines, gateway, dell, or any other sketchy brands.
I bought an e-machines once. $300. Radeon 6250, 2.3ghz dual core amd processor, 2 gb ram.
After a year and a half, out of nowhere, it turned off, didn't turn back on. Found out the motherboard was fried. For NO REASON. I never used it on fabric surfaces, always gave it room to breathe and took care of it. But when you make a shitty laptop with shitty parts and you don't care, it doesn't last long.