internet on a pci card?



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several pci cards indicate one way internet, but I haven't found any
info on doing it, who I have to pay for the service or if it is worth
it... any information appreciated!
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MtnTopRebel <> wrote in news😛lXce.270

> several pci cards indicate one way internet, but I haven't found any
> info on doing it, who I have to pay for the service or if it is worth
> it... any information appreciated!


A few years ago I subscribed to a service called "DirecPC". My outgoing
packets were sent out onto the internet via an ordinary telephone line
modem and ISP and the incoming packets were received via a satellite
dish. When I first started using DPC I had an ISA card in my computer but
I later replaced it with a PCI card. I still have those cards lying
around because I haven't taken the time to throw them in the trash. As
soon as a Cable Modem internet service became availble in my
neighborhood, I signed up for it.

There may be other one-way internet services available. DirecPC is now a
2-way satellite service called "DirectWay" but it is still the absolutely
horrible service that it was back when I used it. I would never recommend
it except in situations where there are no other alternatives such as a
mountain cabin with a clear view of the southern sky but no telephone

The main shortcoming for this service is something that they call FAP.
They measure how much data you transfer and when you have received your
"Fair Share" they cut your speed back to the speed of a 56k modem
connection. They still use FAP. Just read all the complaints in the
"alt.satellite.direcpc" newsgroup. You will see lots of complaints about
FAP. If you will only use it for checking Email and a few Web Sites a few
times a day, I suppose DirectWay would be usable .... if you don't have
access to a phone line. If you plan to download anything at all or listen
to any streaming content .... forget it. It is not worth the hastle.
Archived from groups: (More info?)

MtnTopRebel wrote:

> several pci cards indicate one way internet, but I haven't found any
> info on doing it, who I have to pay for the service or if it is worth
> it... any information appreciated!
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Since is gone now I don't know who does one way
satellite internet now. How many of these cards do you have?

MtnTopRebel wrote:

> several pci cards indicate one way internet, but I haven't found any
> info on doing it, who I have to pay for the service or if it is worth
> it... any information appreciated!
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Ya, I'd say use satellite as a last resort. is a new one
though that is supposed to be cheaper.

If Cable or DSL is not avalable I would look into wireless before looking
into satellite.

"Pseud O. Nym" wrote:

> MtnTopRebel <> wrote in news😛lXce.270
> $
> > several pci cards indicate one way internet, but I haven't found any
> > info on doing it, who I have to pay for the service or if it is worth
> > it... any information appreciated!
> >
> ++++++++++++
> A few years ago I subscribed to a service called "DirecPC". My outgoing
> packets were sent out onto the internet via an ordinary telephone line
> modem and ISP and the incoming packets were received via a satellite
> dish. When I first started using DPC I had an ISA card in my computer but
> I later replaced it with a PCI card. I still have those cards lying
> around because I haven't taken the time to throw them in the trash. As
> soon as a Cable Modem internet service became availble in my
> neighborhood, I signed up for it.
> There may be other one-way internet services available. DirecPC is now a
> 2-way satellite service called "DirectWay" but it is still the absolutely
> horrible service that it was back when I used it. I would never recommend
> it except in situations where there are no other alternatives such as a
> mountain cabin with a clear view of the southern sky but no telephone
> line.
> The main shortcoming for this service is something that they call FAP.
> They measure how much data you transfer and when you have received your
> "Fair Share" they cut your speed back to the speed of a 56k modem
> connection. They still use FAP. Just read all the complaints in the
> "alt.satellite.direcpc" newsgroup. You will see lots of complaints about
> FAP. If you will only use it for checking Email and a few Web Sites a few
> times a day, I suppose DirectWay would be usable .... if you don't have
> access to a phone line. If you plan to download anything at all or listen
> to any streaming content .... forget it. It is not worth the hastle.
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My current ISP service ( uses a PCI modem or a USB
modem. I have the PCI and have had great service with it.
TechGuru wrote:
> Ya, I'd say use satellite as a last resort. is a new
> though that is supposed to be cheaper.
> If Cable or DSL is not avalable I would look into wireless before
> into satellite.
> "Pseud O. Nym" wrote:
> > MtnTopRebel <> wrote in news😛lXce.270
> > $
> >
> > > several pci cards indicate one way internet, but I haven't found
> > > info on doing it, who I have to pay for the service or if it is
> > > it... any information appreciated!
> > >
> >
> > ++++++++++++
> >
> > A few years ago I subscribed to a service called "DirecPC". My
> > packets were sent out onto the internet via an ordinary telephone
> > modem and ISP and the incoming packets were received via a
> > dish. When I first started using DPC I had an ISA card in my
computer but
> > I later replaced it with a PCI card. I still have those cards lying
> > around because I haven't taken the time to throw them in the trash.
> > soon as a Cable Modem internet service became availble in my
> > neighborhood, I signed up for it.
> >
> > There may be other one-way internet services available. DirecPC is
now a
> > 2-way satellite service called "DirectWay" but it is still the
> > horrible service that it was back when I used it. I would never
> > it except in situations where there are no other alternatives such
as a
> > mountain cabin with a clear view of the southern sky but no
> > line.
> >
> > The main shortcoming for this service is something that they call
> > They measure how much data you transfer and when you have received
> > "Fair Share" they cut your speed back to the speed of a 56k modem
> > connection. They still use FAP. Just read all the complaints in the
> > "alt.satellite.direcpc" newsgroup. You will see lots of complaints
> > FAP. If you will only use it for checking Email and a few Web Sites
a few
> > times a day, I suppose DirectWay would be usable .... if you don't
> > access to a phone line. If you plan to download anything at all or
> > to any streaming content .... forget it. It is not worth the
Archived from groups: (More info?)

"MtnTopRebel" <> wrote in message
> several pci cards indicate one way internet, but I haven't found any info
> on doing it, who I have to pay for the service or if it is worth it... any
> information appreciated!

During the summer we live at our cabin. I used the one-way satellite
internet service for 4-5 month/yr. thru until isatplatform went
bankrupt last year. The assets were bought by
and the service is again available albeit pricey. I'm using a level of
service that gives me 256kbs download for $27.50/mo, not including my local
isp cost. The negative is their RUP...... download is reduced if you go
over 100mb in a 5 day period. They do have other more costly service
levels. Kind of hard to find info. Suggest calling some of the numbers
listed on the contact page.
Other than cost & RUP, the service appears to work fine. I'd consider 2 way
satellite internet but they don't have a month to month option. Maybe
wildblue will.
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MtnTopRebel wrote:
> several pci cards indicate one way internet, but I haven't found any
> info on doing it, who I have to pay for the service or if it is worth
> it... any information appreciated!
I am looking at it as an option, I live in the mountains, verizon will
not cooperate and turn on the DSL, and wireless is over the ridge... An
up I used a neighbors direcway and got fap'd .. What I am looking for
is a isp for one way.,...