IPad 2 or 1Pad 3 ?

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Feb 27, 2008
Hello all,

My wife wants an ipad as her Laptop has stopped working.
I can get the ipad 2 for £250 or iPad 3 for £325.
This will be mainly used for internet browsing, watching a few movies and maybe a few games of Angry Birds but no 3d gaming.
I know the screen is much sharper on the 3 but is there any real point in spending the extra cash?

Many thanks.
The main differences between is the processor, graphics processor and the screen. Usually it's better to get the newer model if selecting between two existing products because the iPad 3rd generation will be able to use operating system updates longer.

I had the iPad2 and upgraded to the 3rd gen - you do notice the difference in the screen on a day to day basis and I have no regrets for making the switch.
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