iPhone 4S Sales Help Apple Shares Reach All-time High

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May 17, 2009
[citation][nom]jacobdrj[/nom]Most people don't care how something works. They just want it to work. Yes, the inner engineer in me is made sad by these products sometimes, but my inner minimalist appreciates (but won't so so far as to buy) the Apple iProducts. Sleek sells. Elegance (which means simplicity) is sexy.[/citation]

What people are overlooking here and this seems to be a common them on this site is that just because something looks good and is popular by the masses does not mean that the product is not technically strong. You can not judge a phone the same way you judge regular computers especially given that the software is completely different between the devices. If the Samsung Galaxy S2 did not have software on it, it would effectively be worthless. The IPhone 4s is very strong device technically with a very efficient OS on it and a huge library of useful applications that can also interact with the other products that Apple makes. That is why they keep selling and will continue to do so.

Guy's here look at the 512 meg of ram vs other devices with more and bash the IPhone when the amount of ram is completely irrelevant. Storage is relevant but ram is not at all because more ram is only necessary when the applications demand it where is storage is relevant when user content demands it (which is why the phone comes with storage options). IOS has been developed to be extremely efficient so the ram requirements are there to meet the needs of the software on the device.

Hardware specs are easy, does not take much to look at that. Software integration and engineering is much more technically complex. I can write inefficient software and throw as much ram as I can find at it and it will eat every bit of it and still perform like crap.


May 11, 2007
Amazing how the article refers to Apple stock and it ends up being more ammo for the Apple/Android war. As a user of both, I can assure you that they both have their benefit. If only one company was able to reap the benefits of Android I am sure it would be making proffits through the roof as well. Unfortunately, the android cash gets spread around to many different companies.

As for wether or not one thing is better than another, who cares? As long as people buy something, that is all that matters to a company. Hey, I never in a million years would buy a Snuggie, but aparently other people are and they are making a killing in sales..... Go figure.


Sep 20, 2006
"Share price has risen by more than 97 percent this year."

Huh? Share price of AAPL is +29% ytd. A fantastic yield, but a long way from +97%.


Jul 27, 2009
[citation][nom]ap3x[/nom]What people are overlooking here and this seems to be a common them on this site is that just because something looks good and is popular by the masses does not mean that the product is not technically strong. You can not judge a phone the same way you judge regular computers especially given that the software is completely different between the devices. If the Samsung Galaxy S2 did not have software on it, it would effectively be worthless. The IPhone 4s is very strong device technically with a very efficient OS on it and a huge library of useful applications that can also interact with the other products that Apple makes. That is why they keep selling and will continue to do so. Guy's here look at the 512 meg of ram vs other devices with more and bash the IPhone when the amount of ram is completely irrelevant. Storage is relevant but ram is not at all because more ram is only necessary when the applications demand it where is storage is relevant when user content demands it (which is why the phone comes with storage options). IOS has been developed to be extremely efficient so the ram requirements are there to meet the needs of the software on the device.Hardware specs are easy, does not take much to look at that. Software integration and engineering is much more technically complex. I can write inefficient software and throw as much ram as I can find at it and it will eat every bit of it and still perform like crap.[/citation]

It is not all about the specs. Just like the recently unveiled Galaxy Nexus, the specs weren't too spectacular but the new software integration has probably taken it to new levels. It is not all about hardware people. I totally agree that it is the combination of Software/Hardware that makes the experience worthwhile. Having a 8 core BD will not do much when the software has not been optimized to utilize that power so again, don't forget the software aspect of technology!


Jan 20, 2005
[citation][nom]ap3x[/nom]What people are overlooking here and this seems to be a common them on this site is that just because something looks good and is popular by the masses does not mean that the product is not technically strong. You can not judge a phone the same way you judge regular computers especially given that the software is completely different between the devices. If the Samsung Galaxy S2 did not have software on it, it would effectively be worthless. The IPhone 4s is very strong device technically with a very efficient OS on it and a huge library of useful applications that can also interact with the other products that Apple makes. That is why they keep selling and will continue to do so. Guy's here look at the 512 meg of ram vs other devices with more and bash the IPhone when the amount of ram is completely irrelevant. Storage is relevant but ram is not at all because more ram is only necessary when the applications demand it where is storage is relevant when user content demands it (which is why the phone comes with storage options). IOS has been developed to be extremely efficient so the ram requirements are there to meet the needs of the software on the device.Hardware specs are easy, does not take much to look at that. Software integration and engineering is much more technically complex. I can write inefficient software and throw as much ram as I can find at it and it will eat every bit of it and still perform like crap.[/citation]
I think what you are missing is not that I don't respect the hardware (while there have been previous iProducts that were just inferior in every way but software). I think the issue is that I want to love some of these products, but they are always missing 1 or 2 KEY features that make me shy away. And it perplexes me (and others) to the point of madness, that less technical users can't understand the simple, seemingly standard features, that are ALWAYS missing from an iProduct. Things like a place to put an SD card, or a replaceable/upgradeable battery, or early on COPY AND PASTE... Some are little things. Some are big things. But they are always enough to make me think twice before buying an iProduct or recommending one, unless I am absolutely sure the customer doesn't need a given feature...


Apr 15, 2010
Talking about their progress in last 10 years, most of the stuff they make do work. Never heard of them abandoning any platform or software because people stopped buying it.


Sep 20, 2006
[citation][nom]chomlee[/nom]Amazing how the article refers to Apple stock and it ends up being more ammo for the Apple/Android war. As a user of both, I can assure you that they both have their benefit. [/citation]

Welcome to the powerderkeg. I would point out that so far the thread has been about Apple/Anti-Apple with no specific mention about android except by the apple zealots...


Mar 13, 2010
[citation][nom]amdwilliam1985[/nom]Never underestimate the power of the Majority.Example, when the whole world is insane and you're the only sane person, then you might want to take a different perspective, maybe you're the insane one. The power of majority.[/citation]

I think you need to read the dictionary old boy, majority means more than 50% of the people.
Even if you only include people who own smartphones apple still has just over a quarter. Now if my mathematics is bad let me know but i'm pretty sure that is less than a half, so not a majority.

The media love apple, so it may appear they are selling to everyone on the planet (not far off 7 billion) but that is not the case. But since when has "objective truth" got in the way of a good story.


May 17, 2009
[citation][nom]jacobdrj[/nom]I think what you are missing is not that I don't respect the hardware (while there have been previous iProducts that were just inferior in every way but software). I think the issue is that I want to love some of these products, but they are always missing 1 or 2 KEY features that make me shy away. And it perplexes me (and others) to the point of madness, that less technical users can't understand the simple, seemingly standard features, that are ALWAYS missing from an iProduct. Things like a place to put an SD card, or a replaceable/upgradeable battery, or early on COPY AND PASTE... Some are little things. Some are big things. But they are always enough to make me think twice before buying an iProduct or recommending one, unless I am absolutely sure the customer doesn't need a given feature...[/citation]

Just because your specific requirement is not met by a particular device does not mean that everyone else should or needs the same requirement. That is why it is always good to have other options that are compelling. IPhone might not be a fit for everyone and so you should move to a solution that meets your specific needs and priorities. Does that make a device bad, by no means no, that just means that it does not meet your requirements.

For example, I have no need for a SD card for extra storage because I have a 50gb Dropbox account that I use not to mention that I have 32gb on the phone already. I have had so many phones it is rediculas because I like gadgets. Almost every year I have something different and I have bought an extra battery on only one phone and that was because the battery life sucked. That was the Motorola Q when it first came out. You had to have one on that phone. I did not have that problem with the newer devices especially since they all can charge from USB now. Copy and Paste was not an issue before because I did not and still rarely even use it. Not like I am Coping and Pasting stuff all the time so it was never a feature I used to make a technology decision on. Do you honestly think that anyone purchased a phone just for copy and paste alone. It is a nice to have feature but not a must.

People buy devices for different reasons, personally I am a business user so Security, Stability, responsiveness, and business integration features come first and Media/Entertainment features come second. I don't root/jailbreak my device because there are no controls in place to make sure that the unauthorized apps don't overuse resources , provide security holes, compromise stability, or effect battery life. I am in IT Security and do allot of conference calls so I could care less about customizing menu's and all that. My phone is not a toy to me, it is a tool that just so happens to provide entertainment as well.


Jan 20, 2005
[citation][nom]ap3x[/nom]Just because your specific requirement is not met by a particular device does not mean that everyone else should or needs the same requirement. That is why it is always good to have other options that are compelling. IPhone might not be a fit for everyone and so you should move to a solution that meets your specific needs and priorities. Does that make a device bad, by no means no, that just means that it does not meet your requirements. For example, I have no need for a SD card for extra storage because I have a 50gb Dropbox account that I use not to mention that I have 32gb on the phone already. I have had so many phones it is rediculas because I like gadgets. Almost every year I have something different and I have bought an extra battery on only one phone and that was because the battery life sucked. That was the Motorola Q when it first came out. You had to have one on that phone. I did not have that problem with the newer devices especially since they all can charge from USB now. Copy and Paste was not an issue before because I did not and still rarely even use it. Not like I am Coping and Pasting stuff all the time so it was never a feature I used to make a technology decision on. Do you honestly think that anyone purchased a phone just for copy and paste alone. It is a nice to have feature but not a must.People buy devices for different reasons, personally I am a business user so Security, Stability, responsiveness, and business integration features come first and Media/Entertainment features come second. I don't root/jailbreak my device because there are no controls in place to make sure that the unauthorized apps don't overuse resources , provide security holes, compromise stability, or effect battery life. I am in IT Security and do allot of conference calls so I could care less about customizing menu's and all that. My phone is not a toy to me, it is a tool that just so happens to provide entertainment as well.[/citation]
I agree, but for those of us who use our phones for work more than play, who do communication and content creation, one of the largest features missing (that will never be implemented in an iPhone) is a real keyboard. That is why I use BB. It isn't a toy. I can barely get 1 game to work on it well. But it texts quickly, and is flexible enough to suit my needs... I can put an SD card in so I can take as many photos as I need with me, and can transfer them quickly without a proprietary cable or over wireless, and I can change my battery if I run out of juice...

Those are not 'small problems' for me. And many people I know don't need these things, which is why I recommend either Android or iPhone, depending on their needs...

I can't even think of getting an iPhone for myself without even a physical keyboard... Even if Siri is the most amazing app of all time, there are some things you don't want to have to 'say'. You need to be able to type it quickly, and covertly.


Jun 17, 2011
These Apple articles are like breeding grounds for Android /Apple debates...You like Android? Go to the Android articles. You like Apple? Go to hell-JK, go to the Apple articles. Simple steps, yet they make a difference.

So anyway, I never expected the 4S to turn out so well in terms of sales. Usually, you'd think a brand new iPhone (i.e. iPhone 5; being hypothetical) would be a home-run. Oh well.


Aug 17, 2011
[citation][nom]pale paladin[/nom]for me the Iphone and the Ipod are the only distinguished technologies Apple has ever come up with. The Iphone is very easy to use and is good looking as well. The Ipod revolutionized what MP3 players can do and forced others to innovate to stay competitive. I personally use an android but would never scoff at an Iphone user for their choice. Now Apple computers ... that is another topic I won't discuss here.[/citation]

They aren't Apple tehcnologies, they're products.. and they didn't revolutionise MP3's, jesus.. I swear some people think if you say something enough it'll become true, my non-apple mp3/mp4 players did everything the Apple equivilent did when it was released, they bounced off eachother, it wasn't a one sided progression and it never is.

Apple products are fancy looking but you don't have to look back that far to remember their Fisherprice design philosophy, but you'll next tell me Apple invented minimilism.


May 17, 2009
[citation][nom]jacobdrj[/nom]I agree, but for those of us who use our phones for work more than play, who do communication and content creation, one of the largest features missing (that will never be implemented in an iPhone) is a real keyboard. That is why I use BB. It isn't a toy. I can barely get 1 game to work on it well. But it texts quickly, and is flexible enough to suit my needs... I can put an SD card in so I can take as many photos as I need with me, and can transfer them quickly without a proprietary cable or over wireless, and I can change my battery if I run out of juice...Those are not 'small problems' for me. And many people I know don't need these things, which is why I recommend either Android or iPhone, depending on their needs...I can't even think of getting an iPhone for myself without even a physical keyboard... Even if Siri is the most amazing app of all time, there are some things you don't want to have to 'say'. You need to be able to type it quickly, and covertly.[/citation]

Agree 100% with you there. But again, one of your requirements is a qwerty and I had the same feeling when I first transitioned from BB to IPhone. After a while I was able to type just as fast or faster on a touchscreen then I was able to do with a physical qwerty. So a real keyboard no longer was something that I missed. I actually went back to BB after the 3G because of some specific features that BB had that the IPhone didn't and still doesn't have. For example, I do allot of conference calls, one of the features that I absolutely love on the BB that no one else seems to do is that allowing to put a x in front of the extension when the extension is on the same line as the main number and the phone recognizes it and prompts for the extension instead of me having to leave the phone app to memorize it and then go back and try to dial it before line disconnects for not entering the extension. Great feature.

What I found though is that I had some really useful productivity applications that I used that I really missed and then because I traveled the IPhone 4 had face-time and the front facing camera that allowed me to see my family while I was on the road. Just connected up to my mifi and I could see my wife and kid. So those took priority over the BB feature that I liked and I compensated by using comma's to create a pause between the main number and the extension.

Your use of a SD card is a convenience feature that you require and it is required in general to have reasonable storage on a BB. It is not a storage issue on the IPhone/Android device since you can get a 32/64gb of storage and use other things for storage like Dropbox add to that as well. So if you feel that it is easier to take a SD card out of your phone, plug it into your SD card reader, and transfer your pictures then to just plug your phone into the PC with the provided cable then that is a very specific requirement that would be unique to how you prefer to use your device.

Also, not sure if you have used Dropbox but it is the best thing since peanut butter...;-). They give 2gb for free and have an app for just about any device out there, phone/tablet/pc etc... When I take a picture on my IPhone I can just save the picture to Dropbox and it is automatically synced to every single device tied to my Dropbox account. I also have control on what devices get to sync what folders. They have app for BB as well. Might come in handy for transferring those files you mentioned.


Sep 2, 2007
[citation][nom]ap3x[/nom]What people are overlooking here and this seems to be a common them on this site is that just because something looks good and is popular by the masses does not mean that the product is not technically strong. You can not judge a phone the same way you judge regular computers especially given that the software is completely different between the devices. If the Samsung Galaxy S2 did not have software on it, it would effectively be worthless. The IPhone 4s is very strong device technically with a very efficient OS on it and a huge library of useful applications that can also interact with the other products that Apple makes. That is why they keep selling and will continue to do so. Guy's here look at the 512 meg of ram vs other devices with more and bash the IPhone when the amount of ram is completely irrelevant. Storage is relevant but ram is not at all because more ram is only necessary when the applications demand it where is storage is relevant when user content demands it (which is why the phone comes with storage options). IOS has been developed to be extremely efficient so the ram requirements are there to meet the needs of the software on the device.Hardware specs are easy, does not take much to look at that. Software integration and engineering is much more technically complex. I can write inefficient software and throw as much ram as I can find at it and it will eat every bit of it and still perform like crap.[/citation]



Sep 2, 2007
[citation][nom]WhysoBluepandabear[/nom]Same reason why people buy Toyota. Most people have no idea how cars exactly work, or how to fix them beyond minor repairs, but what they do know is that for driving and reliability, a Toyota just works. People also know and understand their Toyota cars aren't the fastest, or best in terms of luxury, but for what purposes they want it for - it works. Same for Apple. The products just work and their reliability track record and resale value are quite good. I also think the Android devices would sell a little better if they made their products a little more solid like Apple. Say what you want, but the iPhone has a nice, solid feel to it. I'm a fan of their construction materials - doesn't feel so plastic-y and cheap as a lot of Android phones do. Then again, I like the freedom and advanced options I have with Android - something I can't quite get used to on iOS 5 is being limited.[/citation]

This is mostly fair. Unlike Toyotas, the iPhone 4S is the fastest in terms of GPU/CPU - so it's not like people are buying something not as good. I also don't understand why you feel you are limited on iOS 5 - I'm a tech guy who runs Windows exclusively, I like and always have liked gadgets and features but I've not yet found anything I want to do that I can't do on iOS5?


Oct 20, 2011
Haha, Ture story!
[citation][nom]Anonymous[/nom]Story of my life:http://iseeahappyface.com/spent-al [...] e-products[/citation]
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