Is anybody familiar with the program Process Hacker 2?


Jan 26, 2015
I'm interested in using the program and has a detection rate of 4/56. Does anyone use it and are the detection's known to be false positives?
Process Hacker 2 is very similar to Process explorer that from memory you already have installed? Or did a few months back.


Sure looks the same. Just a slightly different color scheme.
Hi again,

Yes I've just realised that I am able to suspend a particular process with Process Explorer instead. I was under the impression that I needed this program in particular to deal with the stubborn process but I've discovered that's not the case.

On a slightly different note and something you may be able to help with is, I was wondering what would be considered an average idle CPU load for Windows 10? I'm not running a large amount of 3rd party user processes but I'm interested to know what an idle load for Windows processes alone should be roughly.
If PC is idle its average CPU usage wouldn't be much about 5% but that can vary, it depends on what background tasks it decides to run, defrag can chew disk and ram while PC is idle, windows update can run the malicious software check (but only once a month), and obviously install updates but generally my PC (even with chrome running) is pretty much at 4% CPU usage or less, even if I am using it. Just moving mouse makes CPU usage go up.
Yeah I've been monitoring different processes in performance monitor and I agree that certain processes will only engage on schedules. If I leave the computer with no input idle usage is just under 1%. When using Chrome I am about the same at about 5-6%. With a few user background processes running I can see up to 10-15% so I suppose that's about normal?

Edit: That under 1% was likely a very quiet moment.
if i am not typing my CPU between 0-1%, even typing into chrome and listening to music I am only using 4%

not sure what background processes you have that use 5-10%, i can't think of any but its nothing big really. Its not like CPU is always at 100% so its not really a bog deal

anti virus is the only one that would use a lot, or random software updates