is it possible that the cpu is getting hot while gaming so the performance reduce..?


Nov 24, 2016
Hello guys, i have HP Elitebook 2570p 8gb ram, with at first i7 3520m, and today i upgraded to i7 3740qm, 4 cores instead of 2..
I also have 960 gtx connected to my laptop using adapter and PSU..
well, when i upgraded to 3740qm, i was very dissapointed to see that the performance didnt really went higher, actually in csgo i have the same performance, so my first question is how?? i7 3740qm quad core is way better then 3520m dual core..

and another things that ive now relize is that when i play PUBG, i ahve about 60 fps at the begining, and after 15-20 mints, i have around 30, till the end, when i take a break from the game and come again, its again good performance but then go down after few mints.. is it because of heat? i think that my cpu is getting very ver hot cause i did some benchmark that took about 10 second and the cpu went 89 celsius in like few seconds..
if the heat is a problem, how do i fix it?
You are bound to have temprature problems buddy... You swapped an cpu with 35watts TDP to an 45watts TDP
Your laptop has never been released with an CPU at 45watts TDP = there is not mounted a cooler for it = you need to either:
1. Get some kind of a new cooling block that can handle the extra heat.
2. Get more airflow over the cooler.

I see several people say they have swapped the stock cpu to an quad core. What I dont see are pictures of temps or what else they did do to remove the extra heat.
So yes you can swap, but is it just plug and play? no.

Not meening to crush your hopes since ofc there is ways around this, but it will require modifications and out off the box thinking :)
Are you up to it, go ahead.

But I will repeat: You...

Its very popular to upgrade 2570p to i7 30XX QM series.. and its also doubled the benxhnark ive seen..i dont know why its not there but trust me its suppose to show big improvment
If your cpu gets to hot it will throttle or downclock as its also called to avoid damage.
Only way to fix that is to add more airflow or a better cpu block.
You can ofc try to undervolt the cpu at the risk of BSOD, but if that happens just give it alittle more volts, since volts = heat.

But no guarantee that it will work as "rgd1101" is saying.

okay guys so i did some experiments.. i turn CS:GO on map called Shipped (because this map is kind hard to run compared to Dust2.. i usually had around 60 fps at CT spawn with old cpu, and now with the new cpu i still have 60 fps, but now i relize that the cpu is just sitting around 30-40% usage, but for some reason getting pretty hot to 85 celsius..
and then i log into a 24 players server, and same results, fps is okay.. around 90 but god damn cpu is doing nothing, so i log into PUBG and this is the first game that the gpu starts working on 100%, but the cpu is lazy lol getting 32% usage..

GPU: Usage, Power, Temp, BUS Usage
GPU2 is the laptop graphics i just checked if its working maybe but it didnt..

please help me guys.. there must be something to do to make the cpu work

can u help me understand how can i do these stuff
"add more airflow or a better cpu block.
You can ofc try to undervolt the cpu at the risk of BSOD"
You are bound to have temprature problems buddy... You swapped an cpu with 35watts TDP to an 45watts TDP
Your laptop has never been released with an CPU at 45watts TDP = there is not mounted a cooler for it = you need to either:
1. Get some kind of a new cooling block that can handle the extra heat.
2. Get more airflow over the cooler.

I see several people say they have swapped the stock cpu to an quad core. What I dont see are pictures of temps or what else they did do to remove the extra heat.
So yes you can swap, but is it just plug and play? no.

Not meening to crush your hopes since ofc there is ways around this, but it will require modifications and out off the box thinking :)
Are you up to it, go ahead.

But I will repeat: You need to remove that extra TDP that your block is not really built to handle.


thanks for helping man i appriciate it... how do i remove the extra tdp that my block isnt built to handle?
and i search the undervolt cpu on google and it looks like its going to underclock my cpu, like it will make it cooler but the performance decrease also, am i wrong?

Add more airflow = Get a better fans that moves more air
Better cpu block = here you need to do some research to see if you can use a different cpu block from an another old computer that has enough TDP capasity to handle the heatload.
If you cant seem to be able to find that you can always modify the stock cpu block thats in your system now but that is not for beginners since its not straight forward and easy since it involves some copper soldering. Cause what you then in a way do is to add a bigger copper base with heatfins on it so it can remove more heat.
Second thing you can look at and researtch is if it possibe to modify the underside of that laptop and add a custom AIO watercooled cpu cooler on it ( again not something I would recommend a beginner to start thinkering with :) )
But think alittle about the people you know in real life around you and what are can they do? maybe someone that your mother or father knows are pretty good at something you need done ( like the copper solder. )

Even if you dont know how to do this does not mean none of your friends, or theyr friends etc etc know how to do it.
Welcome to the wonderfull life of modifying 😀

undervolting: If you undervolt your cpu to mutch it will just be unstable. From my experience every cpu I have been playing around with you can undervolt some without it hurting performance at all, since from factory the volts are set alittle higher than they need to just so that the company are on the safe side when it comes to stability.
You bring the volts to low, the system either freeze up, BSOD or it can also downclock.
If any of this 3 happens = you have taken the volts to far down. Add like 0.005 volts up.
Continue until you get a stable clock under normal work load ( gaming etc ) no need to run toture stress tests since that is not something you normaly do every day.
And it is safe to undervolt just so you know. Only danger is to take the volts to high.

u r amazing thanks!
my problem now is that im not sure why the guy on video has diffrent option from me..
this is mine:

free temporary image hosting

btw i did the 2 mints test, and temp went very high 😀

UPDATE: I now think that i have no option to undervolt the cpu cause of HP or something.. i dont have this ption in other application like OBSIDIAN TS.. and ppl in comment blame HP for that..
i will try use some cooling methods
Restart the computer and go into your bios. Look for Vcore and write down the number there since that is the stock volts.
Now lets say that says just as an example: Vcore 1.245
Set new number then as an example: Vore 1.235 going down 0.010 volts for the cores.
Save settings and quit. Boot into windows and run a game with msi afterburner running and see if your CPU downtrottles because of less volts and look at the heat. Repeat and repeat until one or more of the 3 things I have already sayd happens.
Then go up 0.005 volts.
If that did not help go 0.001 volts up until stable. And then give it 0.001 volts extra.
Of undervolting did not help you in any way since this is not a perfect fix but it can help you alittle. You have to modify the laptop like I have already explained. But I will say it again that its not straight forward and in no shape or form easy for a beginner without someone there to help you out.

thanks man ill give it a try.. i wish i was living in big country so i can just sell the 3740qm.. i will never find a buyer here..
i just want to build a normal pc, all the modify lapop sounds like a lot of work with 10% to really do something..i dont want it to be a little better, i want it to work as it should be.. is there any possible way to change my laptop to 45W?
Everything that is hardware and is plugged into the motherboard has drivers :)
The only question that comes to mind to velo3100 since he might know something I dont.
If the driver is not in his system, should he then even be able to detect the correct cpu from the beginning?