Solved! Is it possible to...


Jun 7, 2017
Hey, so i just bought a new gaming laptop wich is Dell G5 15 5587 GTX 1050Ti, i7-7700hq 2.8GHz and the problem is that when i reach alot of fps in games, computer fans are starting to go crazy loud even when the game started 1sec ago (i mean they are starting to spin like there is a campfire out there.) So i figured out that when i set MAX FPS to 60fps, fans are working perfectly, saddly not all games have an option to set max fps... So is it possible somehow to set max fps 60 to all games for example GTA V? Because on this game there is no such option to set max fps, so my fps are around 150, so the second i start the game fans are going crazy.
Download MSI afterburner and install it with riva tuner.
After you install both, run MSI and automatically (Without notification) will run Riva tuner in notification (down right of your screen as blue box with something red), you open riva tuner.

Where says "Framerate Limit" on right side with showing "0" you select your desired framerate to limit, it works on most of all softwares soo beware.
For most games you can set a frame cap in the .ini file if it is not an in game option. Just google the game and how to set a frame cap and you should be able to find something.

I am not on my PC right now, but I would look at your Nvidia Control Panel as there may be an option to limit your framerate there, I just cant remember where it is.
Download MSI afterburner and install it with riva tuner.
After you install both, run MSI and automatically (Without notification) will run Riva tuner in notification (down right of your screen as blue box with something red), you open riva tuner.

Where says "Framerate Limit" on right side with showing "0" you select your desired framerate to limit, it works on most of all softwares soo beware.