It's Now Legal to Crack Your PC Games

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[citation][nom]dextermat[/nom]The only thing missing is WindowsThink about all the poor people who bout compaq, dell, hp, computers and did not get any reinstall cd. When they have problems they cannot reinstall windows with oem because the key did not work....What a rip off[/citation]
There is a utility that allows you to turn the image into a DVD on most OEM machines, and where it doesn't there are 3rd party apps that do the same.
1 - A copy must be proved to be from an original, the original must be kept, if the original is sold, then the copy must be destroyed, or the holder is now in obsession of illegal goods.

2 - DRM is in effect a lock, an advance controllable lock, there are many forms of locks in our day to day lives, but let’s keep things simple, our door to our home or vehicle has a lock, the lock is annoying, there's no denying the fact that a lock slows the whole process down, locking and unlocking all day long, whether it’s a car, email, home, or safe lock, any lock of any kind in fact.
One could argue why not just get rid of all locks, they punish the innocent right? After all innocent people are forced to use locks because of criminals, because of people who would be willing to invade ones privacy or take something that does not belong to them, but we want locks, we need locks, locks are not 100% foolproof....far from it in fact, but they are an effective deterrent for most people.
we accept locks, because they serve our interests, we want our expensive cars protected with updated alarm systems, even though those alarm systems are annoying, can wake up children in a neighbourhood, again innocent people paying for the price of what criminals do. But do we care, no...Why not... because we want our property protected whatever the cost, we don’t want any tom dick or harry reading our emails, so we want our hotmail protected with a password system even though, we have to keep entering our password every bloody time we want to access our emails.
A Disc (game) is the key and the game, the game wants the key to be checked, a lock on the door wants a key to be inserted before it turns, hotmail wants our password before it will let us in.
When our own interests are at question, we accept the annoyances of locks and alarms, we accept the fact that other people may have to pay a price for that security we want for ourselves, even though innocent people may be effected by our security we have chosen to have, yet we do it anyway, but when companies want their games to be protected by a lock and key, then we think that's wrong. They are doing what we would do ourselves if the situation was reversed, and before you say you wouldn’t, next time you leave your house, leave the door unlocked, park your car up in the driveway, but don’t lock the door for the whole night, leave the car alarm off as well, yeah like that will happen.
Putting a lock on their game is a way of us having to prove to the game we have the key, what’s wrong with the game wanting to verify we have an original key, and not a fake one.....
3 – Software, and phones.... congress has done this because companies were taking the piss, congress has been trying for some time now, to allow the customer to have an unlocked phone, so the customer can choose what network they wish to use, mobile companies have been joining with network companies and locking phones, so in effect forcing the customer who they have to go with, unlocking phones use to be easy, but over the last several years, mobile companies have been using very advance techniques to lock phones, the open source market has been finding it quite difficult to beat these new protections, mobile companies now charge for customers to have their phone unlocked, and the unlocking rates are massively high, the whole thing is a scam, congress has had enough, they are now giving the open market who create unlocking tools legal rights to unlock phones, over the next few years, the open market will hit back hard with new unlocking tools, because now these unlockers no longer have to hide away from legal issues. They can now come out fighting on the frontline and not be bullied with threats from mobile companies with letters of stop now or else kind of thing.

4 – DRM does punish the innocent, DRM is a lock, the innocent are affected by locks as we all are, but the ends justify the means, locks are a part of life.... its unfortunate their needed, but there you go.
5 – Killing securom? Emm, given the fact that we currently have “Safedisk”, “Tages” & “Starforce” as well as several others, I don’t see how killing one lock will stop all the others from existing, and besides, new locks will always be created as time and technology move on.

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