IVS problems since WinXP SP2 upgrade



Archived from groups: alt.video.ptv.replaytv (More info?)

I've been having problems receiving movies since upgrading to Win XP
Pro SP2. I checked the Windows firewall settings and added Port 11111.
I also went into my SMC2804WBR and in the NAT area added the same
port. Any suggestions? I've included some additional info.

I tried checking my ID at http://www.lhaven.net/ivstest/
and received the following info:

Asked ReplayTV server about unit at ISN 00004-54831-60130.
Found on Replay server.
The IP for your ReplayTV is 68.98.8.xxx (changed for security)
The Port for your ReplayTV is 11111
Unable to contact ReplayTV unit.
500 Can't connect to 68.98.8.xxx:11111 (connect: Connection refused)
Check your port forwarding settings.

Per Router/AP
WAN IP: 68.98.8.xxx
Subnet Mask:
Gateway: 68.98.0.x
Primary DNS: 68.2.16.xx
Secondary DNS: 68.2.16.xx

IP Address: 192.168.2.x
Subnet Mask:
DHCP Server: Enabled
Firewall: Enabled
UPnP: Disabled
Wireless: Enabled

Numbers of DHCP Clients: 4
Runtime Code Version:
1.11a (Dec 11 2003 14:58:14)
Boot Code Version: V1.3B
Hardware Version: 01

ip=192.168.2.xx1 name=Dell96N7231
ip=192.168.2.xx2 (ReplayTV)
ip=192.168.2.xx3 name=cx2337280-a
ip=192.168.2.xx4 name=MARKCHAN
Archived from groups: alt.video.ptv.replaytv (More info?)

On Wed, 06 Oct 2004 04:21:46 -0700, Arawak <fake_address@hotmail.com>

>I've been having problems receiving movies since upgrading to Win XP
>Pro SP2.

Which will make no difference (unless it's causing excessive network
activity, check for that), since IVS does not involve any of your
computers. Just the Replay and the router. What else did you do when
you upgraded to XP?

> I checked the Windows firewall settings and added Port 11111.

Why? See above. You could also try it with that computer(s) running XP
turned off.

>I also went into my SMC2804WBR and in the NAT area added the same

Is that the port your Replay uses for IVS?

>Any suggestions? I've included some additional info.
>I tried checking my ID at http://www.lhaven.net/ivstest/
>and received the following info:
>Asked ReplayTV server about unit at ISN 00004-54831-60130.
>Found on Replay server.
>The IP for your ReplayTV is 68.98.8.xxx (changed for security)
>The Port for your ReplayTV is 11111
>Unable to contact ReplayTV unit.
>500 Can't connect to 68.98.8.xxx:11111 (connect: Connection refused)
>Check your port forwarding settings.

First, I'd check my Replay directly. I use.

This also tests the port forwarding on your router. Replace
"" with your public IP** and "29000" with the IVS port set
on your Replay. You should get a page that looks like:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<UnitInfo isn="00004-54831-60130" nickname="Something" />

And identifies your Replay.

>Per Router/AP
>WAN IP: 68.98.8.xxx
>Subnet Mask:
>Gateway: 68.98.0.x
>Primary DNS: 68.2.16.xx
>Secondary DNS: 68.2.16.xx
>IP Address: 192.168.2.x
>Subnet Mask:
>DHCP Server: Enabled
>Firewall: Enabled
>UPnP: Disabled
>Wireless: Enabled
>Numbers of DHCP Clients: 4
>Runtime Code Version:
> 1.11a (Dec 11 2003 14:58:14)
>Boot Code Version: V1.3B
>Hardware Version: 01
>ip=192.168.2.xx1 name=Dell96N7231
>ip=192.168.2.xx2 (ReplayTV)
>ip=192.168.2.xx3 name=cx2337280-a
>ip=192.168.2.xx4 name=MARKCHAN

There would be no harm in giving the complete local IPs. Local IPs are
not accessible from the internet anyway. The "xx" is hiding whether or
not you are using a unique IP for the router. A conflict would cause

A firewall on the computer* will have no effect on IVS, which is not
going through your computer.


* - I would definately NOT trust a firewall that's part of XP. MS has
put in all the holes it wants, making that firewall close to useless.
However, it can't be the cause of your Replay problem.

** - If your router does not support "loopback" you'll need to use the
local IP of your Replay. Try both.

80 days until the winter solstice celebration

Mark Lloyd
Archived from groups: alt.video.ptv.replaytv (More info?)

Since the connection is independent of the PC SP2 shouldn't cause any
problems. I have SP2 and have had no problems with the RTVs or


> I've been having problems receiving movies since upgrading to Win XP
> Pro SP2. I checked the Windows firewall settings and added Port 11111.
> I also went into my SMC2804WBR and in the NAT area added the same
> port. Any suggestions? I've included some additional info.
> I tried checking my ID at http://www.lhaven.net/ivstest/
> and received the following info:
> Asked ReplayTV server about unit at ISN 00004-54831-60130.
> Found on Replay server.
> The IP for your ReplayTV is 68.98.8.xxx (changed for security)
> The Port for your ReplayTV is 11111
> Unable to contact ReplayTV unit.
> 500 Can't connect to 68.98.8.xxx:11111 (connect: Connection refused)
> Check your port forwarding settings.
> Per Router/AP
> WAN IP: 68.98.8.xxx
> Subnet Mask:
> Gateway: 68.98.0.x
> Primary DNS: 68.2.16.xx
> Secondary DNS: 68.2.16.xx
> IP Address: 192.168.2.x
> Subnet Mask:
> DHCP Server: Enabled
> Firewall: Enabled
> UPnP: Disabled
> Wireless: Enabled
> Numbers of DHCP Clients: 4
> Runtime Code Version:
> 1.11a (Dec 11 2003 14:58:14)
> Boot Code Version: V1.3B
> Hardware Version: 01
> ip=192.168.2.xx1 name=Dell96N7231
> ip=192.168.2.xx2 (ReplayTV)
> ip=192.168.2.xx3 name=cx2337280-a
> ip=192.168.2.xx4 name=MARKCHAN
Archived from groups: alt.video.ptv.replaytv (More info?)

Arawak wrote:

> I've been having problems receiving movies since upgrading to Win XP
> Pro SP2. I checked the Windows firewall settings and added Port 11111.
> I also went into my SMC2804WBR and in the NAT area added the same
> port. Any suggestions? I've included some additional info.

I can't help with your problem but I have a question of my own

How do you determine either your Replay ISN (internet serial number)
or the ID that the video sharing web site wants?

Thanks in advance
Archived from groups: alt.video.ptv.replaytv (More info?)

On Wed, 06 Oct 2004 23:20:34 GMT, John in Detroit
<Blanked@sbcglobal.net> wrote:

>Arawak wrote:
>> I've been having problems receiving movies since upgrading to Win XP
>> Pro SP2. I checked the Windows firewall settings and added Port 11111.
>> I also went into my SMC2804WBR and in the NAT area added the same
>> port. Any suggestions? I've included some additional info.

Note that the firewall on the computer has nothing to do with IVS.

>I can't help with your problem but I have a question of my own
>How do you determine either your Replay ISN (internet serial number)
>or the ID that the video sharing web site wants?
>Thanks in advance

It's easily findable in the "Setup" menu of the Replay. Select "System
Information" and then "Video Sharing". The number you want is in the
form "00004-xxxxx-xxxxx" on a 5xxx Replay ("00055-xxxxx-xxxxx" on a
4xxx). The port number (that you'll need forwarded to the Replay, but
don't need to give out) is listed there too.

80 days until the winter solstice celebration

Mark Lloyd
Archived from groups: alt.video.ptv.replaytv (More info?)

Mark Lloyd wrote:

> On Wed, 06 Oct 2004 23:20:34 GMT, John in Detroit
> <Blanked@sbcglobal.net> wrote:
>>Arawak wrote:
>>>I've been having problems receiving movies since upgrading to Win XP
>>>Pro SP2. I checked the Windows firewall settings and added Port 11111.
>>>I also went into my SMC2804WBR and in the NAT area added the same
>>>port. Any suggestions? I've included some additional info.
> Note that the firewall on the computer has nothing to do with IVS.
>>I can't help with your problem but I have a question of my own
>>How do you determine either your Replay ISN (internet serial number)
>>or the ID that the video sharing web site wants?
>>Thanks in advance
> It's easily findable in the "Setup" menu of the Replay. Select "System
> Information" and then "Video Sharing". The number you want is in the
> form "00004-xxxxx-xxxxx" on a 5xxx Replay ("00055-xxxxx-xxxxx" on a
> 4xxx). The port number (that you'll need forwarded to the Replay, but
> don't need to give out) is listed there too.
Thanks... It's not there, unit is a 5504 and apparently does not do that
kind of sharing... Will have to spoof the server and "update" it it seems

Or...... Does DVArchive have the ability to do that task? (checked the
faqs, no help there) if DV-Archive can do it I have a spare computer I
might be able to set up as a video server.... In fact long term plan IS
to set it up as a video server
Archived from groups: alt.video.ptv.replaytv (More info?)

On Thu, 07 Oct 2004 10:21:30 GMT, John in Detroit
<Blanked@sbcglobal.net> wrote:

>Mark Lloyd wrote:
>> On Wed, 06 Oct 2004 23:20:34 GMT, John in Detroit
>> <Blanked@sbcglobal.net> wrote:
>>>Arawak wrote:
>>>>I've been having problems receiving movies since upgrading to Win XP
>>>>Pro SP2. I checked the Windows firewall settings and added Port 11111.
>>>>I also went into my SMC2804WBR and in the NAT area added the same
>>>>port. Any suggestions? I've included some additional info.
>> Note that the firewall on the computer has nothing to do with IVS.
>>>I can't help with your problem but I have a question of my own
>>>How do you determine either your Replay ISN (internet serial number)
>>>or the ID that the video sharing web site wants?
>>>Thanks in advance
>> It's easily findable in the "Setup" menu of the Replay. Select "System
>> Information" and then "Video Sharing". The number you want is in the
>> form "00004-xxxxx-xxxxx" on a 5xxx Replay ("00055-xxxxx-xxxxx" on a
>> 4xxx). The port number (that you'll need forwarded to the Replay, but
>> don't need to give out) is listed there too.
>Thanks... It's not there, unit is a 5504 and apparently does not do that
>kind of sharing... Will have to spoof the server and "update" it it seems

Right. The 55xx don't have that feature. Are you talking about using
5xxx software to get it? Then you should get the information display

Also, for my 5080, I can access it this way to the the number:

Replace "" with your public IP (or private IP if
necessary) and replace "29000" with the Replay's IVS port (it should
default to 29000 if you haven't changed it).

>Or...... Does DVArchive have the ability to do that task? (checked the
>faqs, no help there) if DV-Archive can do it I have a spare computer I
>might be able to set up as a video server.... In fact long term plan IS
>to set it up as a video server.

DVA can be made accessible over the internet with the proper use of
port forwarding, but you may not want to do it. Accessing it from
another Replay requires DVA to use port 80, which is commonly used for
viruses, worms, and other nasty stuff. It's also blocked by many ISPs.
You could use a FTP server using the same directory DVA saves the
shows to (there's problems setting it up behind a router, but it's

79 days until the winter solstice celebration

Mark Lloyd
Archived from groups: alt.video.ptv.replaytv (More info?)

Mark Lloyd wrote:

> DVA can be made accessible over the internet with the proper use of
> port forwarding, but you may not want to do it. Accessing it from
> another Replay requires DVA to use port 80, which is commonly used for
> viruses, worms, and other nasty stuff. It's also blocked by many ISPs.
> You could use a FTP server using the same directory DVA saves the
> shows to (there's problems setting it up behind a router, but it's
> doable).

Sounds like a possibility then... Long term, this is the plan... Set up
a LINUX box with decent protection and perhaps some heavy duty
passwording and use it to download a replay TV unit and make it
accessible to the net (in precisely the manner you site FTP)

I have the linux machine now and am working on getting things to work on
it, the going is slow though as... Well, I'm kind of new to the linux
field.. I"ve played in a few client accounts (all mine) over the years
but never done any "root" stuff before
Archived from groups: alt.video.ptv.replaytv (More info?)

John in Detroit <Blanked@sbcglobal.net> wrote in

> Mark Lloyd wrote:
>> DVA can be made accessible over the internet with the proper use of
>> port forwarding, but you may not want to do it. Accessing it from
>> another Replay requires DVA to use port 80, which is commonly used
>> for viruses, worms, and other nasty stuff. It's also blocked by many
>> ISPs. You could use a FTP server using the same directory DVA saves
>> the shows to (there's problems setting it up behind a router, but
>> it's doable).
> Sounds like a possibility then... Long term, this is the plan... Set
> up a LINUX box with decent protection and perhaps some heavy duty
> passwording and use it to download a replay TV unit and make it
> accessible to the net (in precisely the manner you site FTP)
> I have the linux machine now and am working on getting things to work
> on it, the going is slow though as... Well, I'm kind of new to the
> linux field.. I"ve played in a few client accounts (all mine) over the
> years but never done any "root" stuff before

You can easily run DVA on your home network over port 80 and it will
happily talk to your RTV (even with XP SP2). Then on your
router/firewall define the public port as something different, say
55002 and forward it to your DVA box on port TCP 80.

Note there is no security doing this, but then anyone using DVA on
another computer can interact with your private DVA.

I do this from work and occasionally send a show (copy/move) to work to
watch during breaks.