Jailbreaking and LG Aristo phone

Jul 2, 2018
Can I buy a phone that needs to be jailbroken bring it to an AT&T store which I'm a customer of and they will jailbreak it for me or no do I need to take it to someone have it jailbroken then bring it back to my AT&T provider going to do anything illegal I just got a good deal on a phone after mine cracked. Thanks for your help.
I am going to guess you don't mean "jailbroken" but "unlocked". If you buy a locked phone, it has to be unlocked by the carrier it was originally for.
Jul 2, 2018
Question from croydon22002 : "Jailbreaking and LG Aristo phone"

The seller of the phone said jailbroken in the description on Amazon I didn't say unlocked when I try to call AT&T and ask them what they would do in both scenarios but if you're saying it's jailbroken or locked under one carrier and it has to be unlocked by that same carrier I might just go to AT&T and buy a phone from them this was just like 40 bucks and it's brand new they want to pass up a good deal or get a headache