Hi all just wanted to ask a question I have an old gaming laptop (4 years old) just want to know if it could run PlanetSide 2 b4 giving it to my brother
GPU: GeForce GTX 580m
CPU: intel(R) core(TM) i7-2960xm CPU @ 2.70GHz
MEMORY: 8.00 GB RAM (7.98 usable)
CURRENT resolution: 1600 X 900, 60Hz
DRIVER version: 376.54
Operating system: Microsoft Windows 10 home
This all means nothing to me so pleas could some one help
GPU: GeForce GTX 580m
CPU: intel(R) core(TM) i7-2960xm CPU @ 2.70GHz
MEMORY: 8.00 GB RAM (7.98 usable)
CURRENT resolution: 1600 X 900, 60Hz
DRIVER version: 376.54
Operating system: Microsoft Windows 10 home
This all means nothing to me so pleas could some one help