Keyboard button problems..


Sep 16, 2017
Hey, so somehow when I try to press R,F,C,Bacspace,8 or 9 they don't work but
when I press r and then e quickly it makes er and the buttons only with other buttons pressed before them, so I sent it out to warranty repairs and it came back with no changes but it got factory reset and they said it was the fault of the os and the issue persists
Yes, through device manager.

If that doesn't resolve it, then you should try the external keyboard and see if that works. If it does, then you have a problem with the attached one.
That sounds really weird. I mean why factory reset it? Makes no sense to me. Try this...

Try this...

1. Uninstall the keyboard driver.
2. Reboot the computer (without reinstalling the driver).
3. When it restarts, it should reinstall the driver on its own.

If this doesn't work, you may wish to try connecting an external keyboard and see if it works fine. If it does, then it could be the keys themselves that are the issue.

You may also want to try updating the Synaptics Driver if the above doesn't help.

So i did that but when pressed yes on the Restart pRompt it turned ofF to the update blue sCReen, saying "Preparing Windows" and then it Came back up and nothing has Changed, when i press shitFt with the buttons that dont woRk the suddenly woRk, taht's why i have some Caps letters, when i type Fast enough i Can use the keys that dont work, uninstall the keyboard drivers through device manager right??