Question Keyboard is defective

Jan 14, 2021
So i am actually ritting on the keyboard *ho has problem so sorry if you don't really understand because i can't rightte a double v. So the problem here is that double V key is not responding *Trying really hard to explain *ithout double V key and the ESC button is not orking and is like going crazy *hile playing games (or not) like the ESC repeatidly Open up the menu then close it. I thought it *as because the key *as *et but *hen i opened the "Double V key on keyboard there as nothing (just a little bit of Dust and cleaned a bit of it) for some reason that i don't kno there as nothing *rong inside so i closed it but it hasn't changed a bit. I'm not sure though if something is *rong inside it but it seems perfectly fine like other keys.So i got bored of it and see if i could find any solutions on the internet but not even one of the solutions that i have tested *ork. So i am here created a tom's guide account in serach of solutions because i don't *ant some unknon repair man to repair this problem in seconds and take me hundred of bills for this little thing (or not maybe i am going to far XD). It suddenly happen because i puted ice on the "Laptop" because it as hot (Yep im dumb) that's *hy i thought that it *as *et. No i ant some solutions of yours please because im too lazy no to search for a solution. Thanks in advance